Caghlaa yn choyrle bentyn da'n jough veshtallagh iuit ayns shiaghtin
Ta caghlaa er ny yannoo bentyn da'n vooadys dy yough veshtallagh lhisagh deiney Ellanagh giu dy sauçhey ayns shiaghtin.
Nish, t'eh er ny choyrlaghey dy vod deiney giu kiare unnidyn jeig dy sauçhey ayns shiaghtin - neose veih un unnid as feed.
Shoh yn earroo cheddin dy h-unnidyn as son mraane, nagh row caghlaait.
Dawn Henley, fer-strateish son slaynt y theay, t'ee gra dy vel eh ro leah dy ghra vel doilleeid er-lheh ayns yn Ellan bentyn da goll er y scooyr.
Changes to weekly alcohol consumption guidelines
Changes have been made to the Island's guidelines on weekly alcohol consumption.
The changes now advise that men can safely drink 14 units a week, down from 21.
It brings it in line with the recommended level for women, which remains unchanged.
Public Health strategist Dawn Henley says it's too soon to say whether the Island has a particular issue with binge drinking.