On Air Carnaby Street Chris Williams | 8:00am - 10:00am


Today at the Guild

Saturday, 30 April 2022 - 58 minutes


AMY GRAVESTOCK singing All Falls Down from Chaplin - winner of the Songs from the Musicals for ages 14 - 18 - Class JS11

EMILY BRIDSON singing Somebody To Love - winner of Popular Song Class JS12 - 14 to 18 years old

CAELI PLUMBLEY - winner of Girls Solo class JS9 for ages 16 - 18 singing The Birds Lament accompanied by Wendy McDowell

JACK McLEAN - winner of Piano Solo from Memory Class P19b - Jack plays from the work of DEBUSSY - Arabesque No 1

CARA ROWLES - winner of the Girls Solo Class for ages 8 and 9  - Accompanied by Wendy McDowell - the test piece is 'A Little Spanish Town' 
Cara will sing for the Sheffield Plate in the final on Saturday night

MORAG WITHEY singing 'Ain't It a Pretty Night ?' Accompanied by Madeline Kelly
DEBBIE GOODING singing 'Art is Calling for Me'. Accompanied by Frank Woolley
KAREN ELLIOTT singing 'It was a Lover and His Lass'. Accompanied by Madeline Kelly
These singers gained the highest marks in their respective solo voice classes and will sing again in the Cleveland Medal Test

CORAAGHYN VANNIN- second placed in Vocal Ensemble class accompanied by Julie Brew singing Spell of Safekeeping by Bob Chilcott   This ensemble is made up of some members of Manx Voices, conducted for this performance by choir member Jane Corkill

SHAY MACKIE plays On My Own - winner of solo brass instrumental class for 14 and 15 year olds  - accompanied by Naomi Longhurst

EVIE SKILLICORN - Joint second place in the Folk Song Class for ages 14 - 18  accompanied by Patricia Cullen, singing   'I Know Where I'm Going'

WENDY CREGEEN-HALL - winner of American Art Song Class S21 singing Homeward Bound accompanied by Patricia Cullen

YN QUEIG - Bagpipes and drums - winner of Instrumental Small Ensemble Class IG1

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