On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am

Perspective 27.10.24 - Julie Edge and Chris Thomas talk about some Tunnel highlights and Chris declares for the currently filled Chief Minister post..


Sunday, 27 October 2024 - 51 minutes

So much to talk about on Perspective this week. Some Tynwald leftovers - whistle blowing and a Manx framework for awarding degrees, the fallout from Lawrie Hooper’s resignation, a new chief minister candidate explains why he’s putting his name forward, energy policy, Crogga and a suggested half billion raid on our NI fund. Julie Edge and Chris Thomas give their views on all of the above and ask the Chief Minister to step down rather than facing a no confidence vote. Do you think we need a new name on the Chief Minister’s door or is political stability and getting on with the job more important?

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