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Manx Radio's Praise

Judith Ley hosts the weekly programme featuring inspiring stories, interesting interviews, great music & moments for quiet reflection from around the Isle of Man's Christian community.
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Praise FOR 22 MARCH 2020
Sunday, 22 March 2020
Churches have now stopped all public worship services, to avoid the spread of the corona virus, so we're launching a new programme here on Manx Radio. Starting on Sunday 29 March, AT YOUR SERVICE will be an ecumenical act of worship - presented each week by at least two different denominations, blending music, a Bible reading, reflections, thoughts and a time of prayer - and maybe some folk will share stories of their faith journey too - In fact, all the elements of a church service - but in a radio programme! We'd love you to choose a hymn or some sacred music which is meaningful to you,...
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Rev Daniel Norris was born and educated on the Island before leaving to study modern foreign languages and theology first at Durham and then at Cambridge Universities. In 2015 he was ordained priest in the Church of England, and now serves in the Diocese of London, where he is part of the ministry team at St James's Church in Piccadilly. He is also Executive Head Teacher of St Jerome's Church of England Bilingual School in Harrow. He visited the Island at the invitation of the Island Spirituality Network, to lead a morning, reflecting upon what It might mean for us to 'live a Eucharistic ...
Sunday, 8 March 2020
Today is International Women's Day so it's appropriate that PRAISE should feature two very different women, linked by their deep faith. The Rt Reverend Dr Emma Ineson, Bishop of Penrith, made history when she became the first woman to hold the position of Central Chaplain to the Mothers' Union, making her in charge of the spiritual care of Mothers' Union staff and members in the UK. She brings a wealth of experience, and her passion for Mothers' Union is evident as she talks about her new role within the largest single organisation in the world-wide Anglican Church. Angela Dudley lives...
Sunday, 1 March 2020
On PRAISE today we're celebrating St David's Day with a great hymn - For All The Saints .... Reverend Nigel Uden is the Moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly - we find out why he's on the Island, and why he wants us to think differently about Christmas and Easter. He also chooses a favourite piece of music from JS Bach Paul Moores is our link between The Leprosy Mission Isle of Man, and The Leprosy Mission world-wide - he joins us to talk about this year's big project - a bid to recruit more Hospital Heroes - doctors and nurses willing to work in the hospital in Myanma...
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Russ Bravo and Patrick Woodward discuss Shrove Tuesday, pancakes, Ash Wednesday and the positive purpose of the church's season of Lent. They mention that Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. Have you ever felt you're in a 'wilderness' ? There are many reasons we can find ourselves feeling lost and alone - Lynne's story is one of going into - and coming out of - her own 'wilderness'. And PRAISE goes on pilgrimage again - Suzi Rosedale is the guide who led the Manx pilgrims when we were in Israel last November - in a rare quiet moment in our Jerusalem hotel, Suzi shares a little of her ...
Sunday, 16 February 2020
For the last 20 years, Ramsey based husband and wife Steve and Alison Taylor have been raising funds for projects, and delivering humanitarian aid, to help some of the world's poorest people, through their Drop Inn Ministries charity shops here on the Island. Now their focus has slightly altered and as well as continuing to support global aid projects, they are also developing and supporting an important local outreach for anyone wanting a little gentle help with their mental or emotional wellbeing - Renew Wellbeing Spaces are places where it's OK to be not OK. Alison and Steve provi...
Saturday, 8 February 2020
Hugh Stowell Brown was the older brother of our National Poet Thomas Edward (T.E.) Brown. At the age of only 23 he went to Liverpool to preach at Myrtle Street Baptist Church - and stayed there for the next 40 years! What he achieved was astounding, and has so inspired Baptist Minister Wayne Clarke that he has researched and written a biography of Hugh Stowell Brown, and joins me on the programme to tell the story of A READY MAN. A Ready Man is published by Instant Apostle and costs £8.99 - Churches Bookshop in Howard Street in Douglas have copies, some of which may be signed by the auth...
Sunday, 2 February 2020
Gemma Simmonds is a sister of the Congregation of Jesus - the religious order for women based on the spirituality of St Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits - but what does that really mean? We find out, in conversation with Sr Gemma, whose own ministry isn't just global - it even includes the world wide web! And PRAISE is on pilgrimage again this week, with interviews with two women, recorded in the Holy Land in late 2019. One is an ordained priest, the other a deacon in the Anglican Church - they share their challenges and their triumphs. And if you'd like to know more about the next pil...
Monday, 27 January 2020
Holocaust Memorial Day invites us to stop and reflect upon the millions of people murdered in the Nazi holocaust, and the genocides in later years in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. On PRAISE this week, through listening to the stories of holocaust survivors, we are made to realise that genocide does not happen suddenly - it grows steadily when regimes deliberately fracture society by marginalising certain groups. But these tactics can be challenged by individuals standing together with their neighbours and speaking out against oppression. There is nothing more compelling that surv...
Sunday, 19 January 2020
This is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the Christian churches in Malta have chosen the theme "Unusual Kindness" - inspired by the shipwreck of St Paul, as recorded in the Bible (Acts of the Apostles Chapter 27 vs 18 to end, and Chapter 28 up to vs 10) When Paul and his companions were washed up onto the shore of Malta, the people of the island immediately helped them - with food, shelter and even fresh supplies when they were able to set sail again - even though they had absolutely no idea who these unfortunate strangers were. The people who showed "unusual kindness" to Paul and...
Sunday, 12 January 2020
On PRAISE today we've something old and something new ..... Methodist Minister Andrew Roberts talks about his book HOLY HABITS - a way of life for anyone exploring - or already actively living out - the call of Jesus to 'follow me'. HOLY HABITS is a way of life for anyone of any age or culture - a way of life based on the portrait of the community of followers of Jesus which Luke describes in Chapter 2 of the Acts of the Apostles - a way of life that nurtures whole life discipleship, and encourages others to join the adventure of following Jesus. There are lots of resources to help you t...
Sunday, 5 January 2020
The Coming of the Magi - Epiphany is the Christian festival that draws the Christmas season to a close, and it is celebrated on PRAISE today in Bible readings, poetry and music - Plus there's the first in our new series - PRAISE ON PILGRIMAGE - interviews with those who went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Reverend Steve Ingrouille in November 2019, as they share their thoughts on the places they visited, and the memories they will treasure - plus interviews with people they met on the journey. Today's interview is with Very Reverend Richard Sewell, who is a Canon of St George's Angl...
Sunday, 29 December 2019
On PRAISE today we start with a challenging little reflection on the TRUE meaning of Christmas (and a beautiful piece of music) then we find out why John Anderson's 1,000-mile journey from Land's End to John O' Groats became his "Walk For Freedom" So far, he's raised a staggering £37,500! This is truly life-changing - for the people who will receive that money - but maybe for John and his wife Fiona, too. Listen - and decide for yourself! This is the last PRAISE programme for 2019 so it's a good opportunity to thank you for downloading and listening - and to wish you a happy...
Sunday, 29 December 2019
A traditional celebration of the Birth of Jesus in Bible verses, poetry and some of the most beautiful carols and seasonal music. In the space of one hour you will hear : Once in Royal David's City (The Choirboys) Bible Reading - Isaiah Ch9 Vs 1-7 read by David Suchet For Unto Us Child Is Born (from Handel's Messiah, performed by the Glasgow Festival Chorus and Orchestra Bible Reading - Isaiah Ch9 11 Vs 1-9 read by David Suchet Unto Us Is Born A Son (Huddersfield Choral Society) Bible Reading - Luke Chapter 1 - The Annunciation - read by David Suchet The Angel Gabrie...
Sunday, 22 December 2019
Rev Alex Brown, pioneer minister in Douglas, reflects on some good, positive things which can come from changed plans, and explains why he loves being Chaplain to the Island's Scouts- and 9-year-old Jorja Bradshaw shares some thoughts on a memorable trip to Zimbabwe - plus we have some great Advent music, and a couple of really thought-provoking pre-Christmas reflection. Enjoy!
Saturday, 14 December 2019
On PRAISE this week - Lt Dylan Nieuwoudt talks about taking part in CHRISTMAS LIVE on December 19th, and taking the Salvation Army on the Island 'out of its comfort zone' as it looks at new ways to be a church serving the community. There are extracts from the recent Tynwald Carol Service in St Mary's Roman Catholic Church - including music from the Tynwald Choir, the Government Staff Choir and a brass ensemble, directed by Jonathan King, Deputy clerk to Tynwald. Listen out for some fine choir pieces - 'Gaudete' and the sweet and melodic 'Shine, Star, Shine' with music by Frank Woolley an...
Sunday, 8 December 2019
Cafe Lingo was established at the Promenade Methodist Church to offer English language teaching and general support to people moving to live on the Island. Founder Karen Norton joins us today, to explain how Cafe Lingo is now so much more than just language learning - and if, after listening to Karen, you want to contact her, the number is 07624 458340. Reverend Alex Brown is Pioneer Minister in Douglas, and is always looking for ways to take the Gospel message to where people are - so he jumped at an invitation - from Douglas Town Centre Manager Oliver Cheshire - to create CHRISTMAS 'LIV...
Sunday, 1 December 2019
Today is the start of the four weeks of December which the church calls Advent - a time of preparation for the great feast of Christmas - preparation that has nothing to do with money, shopping or stress! We've got some great music, and an exchange of very different views on Christmas cards - are you in favour of them? Or not? And special guest Reverend Chris Foxon - a semi-retired Methodist minister from Scotland - shares his experience as a teacher of religious education, to talk about the questions young people ask.
Sunday, 24 November 2019
Reverend Ken Benjamin, a visitor to the Island, talks about his 23 years as senior pastor in Chichester Baptist Church, his present additional role as President of Baptists Together, and the new position he'll take. up next year when he joins the London School for Contemporary Christianity .... and Louise Whitelegg explains why she's a member of Methodist Women in Britain, and how everyone can get involved in creating a unique piece of art. And there's music too - great hymns for the Feast of Christ the King
Sunday, 17 November 2019
Recent visitor to the Island - Reverend Helen Bent - is Head of Ministerial Development at the Royal School of Church Music. Her greatest wish is for people to discover that the RSCM isn't a stuffy old-fashioned organisation, but instead is a place where all types and genres of church music are drawn together and celebrated with equal value. Find out more about their work by copying and pasting this link into your browser : https://www.rscm.org.uk Helen - who is a music teacher, a singer, an instrumentalist and an author, as well as being an Anglican priest - is passionate about ...
Sunday, 10 November 2019
A special programme of thoughts, music, readings and prayers for this Remembrance Sunday, including the story of the Menin Gate Memorial in Ypres, Belgium; the Women in Song choir directed by Karen Elliott, singing 'Flanders Field'; Rev'd Alec Smith with the story of 'Woodbine Willie'; Folk group Show Of Hands with The Padre, and Rev'd Steve Ingrouille reads a poignant extract from a family diary.
Sunday, 3 November 2019
A Jesuit priest who describes himself as a 'jovial Lancastrian' and loves every moment of being a priest, talks with searing honesty and understanding about brokenness - he's Father Denis Blackledge, Parish Priest of a busy inner-city church in Liverpool - and a conversation recorded with Terry Waite some 20 years ago, still has a powerful message for us today. And do please look at the PRAISE ON PILGRIMAGE blog - we'd love you to join us as an armchair pilgrim in the Holy Land.
Sunday, 27 October 2019
God and The Big Bang - how does scientific fact fit with belief in God? That's the question we're asking on PRAISE today- in conversation with three scientists who work for 'God and the Big Bang' - a project developed for young people aged 10 and 18, to support the teaching of Evolution, and to give them the opportunity to discover, discuss and debate the compatibility of science and faith. 'God and the Big Bang' gives them the tools they need to form their own opinions, and engage in well-reasoned, thought-provoking discussions about the place of science in God's world. Three key membe...
Sunday, 20 October 2019
This week's PRAISE podcast has extra value - it includes a much longer version of a fascinating conversation I had with two members of Mission Aviation Fellowship - the charity that quite literally is 'flying for life' A team from MAF visited the Island this weekend - they came to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the donation of a Kodiak plane by Ramsey-based AFD Software, to the charity - I talk with the Chief Executive Officer Ruth Whitaker, and one of the pilots, Steve Machell, to find out what the plane has been doing during the first ten years of its life (spent in Kalimantan, Bo...
Sunday, 13 October 2019
The making of a Saint - and a popular BBC presenter, author and tireless charity worker returns! In this edition of PRAISE we reflect on the road to Sainthood for an exceptional English priest - John Henry Newman - and we feature two of his best-loved hymns, too. And we welcome back Pam Rhodes, who explains exactly why she's so passionate about the work of the Leprosy Mission (of which she is Vice President) She also talks about her work as a TV presenter, and why she welcomes change on BBC TV's Songs of Praise
Sunday, 6 October 2019
On PRAISE today - we hear from Rev'd Susan McIvor, District Safeguarding Officer for the Methodist Church in Nottingham and Derby, who was the guest speaker at an Ecumenical Safeguarding Seminar organised by our Safeguarding Officer, Tony Connell, and attended by members of local churches of all denominations, working together to achieve best safeguarding standards. Bishop Tom Williams, from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool, is on Visitation on the Island - we find out what that means, and also get an update on Synod 2020. And we find out how the hard work of two regular gues...
Sunday, 29 September 2019
On the programme this week, we explore the hidden powers of storytelling - finding out more about Godly Play in conversation with trainers Rachel Bainton and Susie Steel (the national website is www.godlyplay.uk) Then we take a first look at local farmer John Anderson's Walk For Freedom - he's covering 1,000 miles from Lands End to John O'Groats, to celebrate his 60th birthday, and to raise funds (and awareness) for International Justice Mission UK - the international charity which works to rescue the millions trapped in slavery and people trafficking - many of whom are children. Follow his...
Sunday, 22 September 2019
Looking back on Spring Harvest Local, as some of the hundreds of people who gathered at Mountain View Innovation Centre share their thoughts on an evening of music, worship, prayer and teaching. Alongside comments from Onnee Ayres, Ruth Walker of Scripture Union Ministries Trust, Rev Alex Brown and Bob Jeavons, we hear from event leaders Gavin Calver, Lisa Holmes and singer/songwriter Lou Fellingham, who, along with her worship band, provided the music (which is featured on the podcast too!) Lea Milligan was there too, talking about the amazing work done by Mercy Ships - which operates the...
Sunday, 15 September 2019
A week of local campaigning for climate change starts on Friday 20th September - Christian Aid rep Louise Whitelegg is one of the organisers, and has all the details - the Right Reverend Frank White is on a flying visit to the Island and calls into the studio to talk about his concern for those in the margins of society, a new way of thinking about vocations, and how it feels to be the only Bishop in the UK to be married .... to a Bishop! And another visitor to the Island - BBC TV's Songs of Praise presenter Pam Rhodes - talks about her love of hymns and all types of music for worship. I...
Sunday, 8 September 2019
A new Isle of Man registered charity has its official launch next Saturday - Elly Duchars and Paul Halliday explain what The Leprosy Mission IOM will achieve and why its needed - and everyone is welcome to the official launch on Saturday 14 September at 6.30pm in the Cathedral in Peel. And we go behind the scenes to check on the progress of Spring Harvest Local, which is on 17 September. David Dorricott - a long time supporter of Spring Harvest - explains why it's important for him to have this event on his premises at Mountain View Innovation Centre in Ramsey and Abby Guiness - who or...