On Air Saturday Night Live Mike Reynolds | 10:00pm - 1:00am

Claare Ny Gael

Bob Carswell delivers a weekly programme of great Manx Gaelic broadcasting and entertainment.

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  • Claare ny Gael 1st September 2024

    Sunday, 1 September 2024

    50 minutes

    On Christmas Day of 1909, American scholar W Y Evans Wentz has been out to Glen Maye to collect stories, and has now walked back into Peel to the house of William Cashen, who tells him more for what became Evans Wentz's 1911 publication, 'The Fairy-Faith in the Celtic Countries'.After hearing from Mina Harker under hypnosis that Count Dracula is emerging from his box of Transylvanian soil, the friends are anxious to reach the port of Galatz, where the Count is attempting to stay clear of opposition and make for his home. Another episode in the Manx translation of the story by Bram Stoker.As...

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  • Claare ny Gael 25th August 2024

    Sunday, 25 August 2024

    48 minutes

    It's Christmas Day 1909, but American scholar, W Y Evans Wentz, is still out visiting people in Glen Maye and Peel to hear stories which he retold in 'The Fairy-Faith in the Celtic Countries', which he published in 1911.In our Manx translation of Dracula by Bram Stoker, Mina Harker has understood something of the character of Count Dracula, from some of the things the Count had told her husband, Jonathan, when he was visiting the Count in Castle Dracula - seemingly unimportant at the time, but actually an unguarded insight into the way he thinks and operates.As y kiaull ain -COWBOIS RHOS BO...

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  • Claare ny Gael 18th August 2024

    Sunday, 18 August 2024

    50 minutes

    We rejoin W Y Evans Wentz in Ballasalla where he hears more stories about what he calls 'fairies', though Sophia Morrison points out that the Manx people had lots of names for them, but that 'fairies' was not used. Evans Wentz visited the Island in 1909 to take evidence for his book, 'The Fairy-Faith in the Celtic Countries', which was published in 1911.In our Manx translation of Dracula by Bram Stoker, Professor Van Helsing and Dr John Seward are talking about Mina Harker, who has just gone to get some information her husband, Jonathan, had written about his time in Castle Dracula. When sh...

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  • Claare ny Gael 11th August 2024

    Sunday, 11 August 2024

    49 minutes

    American scholar W Y Evans Wentz visited the Island in 1909 when Sophia Morrison took him to meet people from whom he took evidence for his PhD thesis which he published in 1911 as 'The Fairy-Faith in the Celtic Countries'. We join him on his collecting trip.Our party of friends have been intent on boarding a ship as soon as it arrives in Varna on the Black Sea so that they can arrange to destroy Count Dracula. But they still await the ship's arrival - shouldn't it be here by now? More from our translation into Manx of Bram Stoker's renowned story.As nyn giaull, smooinaghtyn er ny Manninee ...

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  • Claare ny Gael 4th August 2024

    Sunday, 4 August 2024

    49 minutes

    We come to the end of Sophia Morrison's Introduction to the section of W Y Evans Wentz's 1911 publication, 'The Fairy-Faith in the Celtic Countries', dealing specifically with the Isle of Man, and we hear what he wrote down of whom he met and what they told him when he visited the Island in 1909.Our band of friends are talking about what will need to be done when the boat carrying the box of earth in which Count Dracula is travelling arrives in Varna. Lord Godalming uses his influence which they hope will give them access to the box so that they can destroy the Count. But first they have to...

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  • Claare ny Gael 28th July 2024

    Sunday, 28 July 2024

    49 minutes

    American scholar, W Y Evans Wentz, published 'The Fairy-Faith in the Celtic Countries' in 1911. Information from the Island was supplied by Sophia Morrison, and we find out what she sent to him, writing in September 1910.Mina Harker explains why she wants her husband, Jonathan, to be willing to swear to end her life and to go on to take the gruesome steps necessary to protect her immortal soul, should she go on to become a creature of Count Dracula.As y kiaull ain -BRIGITTE & KATELL KLOAREG - Pauvre marinEMMET SPICELAND - Nora bheagMABON - Welsh morris/Twm JonesCAARJYN COOIDJAGH - Eubonia s...

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  • Claare ny Gael, 14th July 2024

    Sunday, 14 July 2024

    50 minutes

    We find out what happened in the harvest service at Ronague when Isaiah Cregeen was struggling in the pulpit to answer a question put by his brother, Martin - better known as Fairy. This is the penultimate of Dorothy Manley's short stories under the title, Fairy's Ground, and we also move on to the opening of the final story.In our episode from Bram Stoker's Dracula in a translation into Manx, Professor Van Helsing is bracing himself to tell Mina Harker that she must no longer be in on the friends' discussions, though he doesn't want to say why. However, Mina seems to be aware of the diffic...

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  • Claare ny Gael 7th July 2024

    Sunday, 7 July 2024

    50 minutes

    Dorothy Manley has introduced us to Isaiah Cregeen, one of the seven Cregeen siblings. Isaiah is a Methodist preacher, and his wife is very proud to take her place in chapel on a Sunday. However, she doesn't welcome the presence of the youngest of the brothers, Martin - known to all as Fairy, and who gives his name to the collection of short stories, 'Fairy's Ground'.Professor Van Helsing and Dr John Seward share a concern that Count Dracula will be able to know, from his connection with Mina Harker's mind, whatever she knows - including anything she's told or finds out about the friends' i...

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  • Claare ny Gael 30th June 2024

    Sunday, 30 June 2024

    50 minutes

    We finish the case involving the Trespass Jury in Dorothy Manley's short story, 'The Lawyer', involving Benjamin Cregeen and his brother, Jonah. The youngest brother, Fairy Cregeen, after whom Dorothy Manley names her collection, 'Fairy's Ground', is actually only mentioned completely incidentally. We then move on to the fourth story called 'The Preacher'.Mina Harker's Journal gives us an account of what Professor Van Helsing has to say about the way Count Dracula's mind has been growing, and though he began with a child-like outlook, he asks her to think of what he might do with expanded b...

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  • Claare ny Gael 23rd June 2024

    Sunday, 23 June 2024

    49 minutes

    We've been introduced to the Cregeen family in the first of Dorothy Manley's collection, 'Fairy's Ground : Homely Tales', told by her narrator, a young man training to be a teacher. The second tale concentrated on Joshua Cregeen, and in the third we become better acquainted with his brothers, Jonah and Benjamin. The figure of Matthew Cregeen, better known by all as 'Fairy' for his small stature and nature, features across the stories, though not necessarily prominently.In our episode from the translation into Manx of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula', Professor Van Helsing has been describing how th...

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  • Claare ny Gael 16th June 2024

    Sunday, 16 June 2024

    49 minutes

    Dorothy Manley has made the narrator of her collection, 'Fairy's Ground : Homely Tales', a young man. In the first story, 'The Chimney-Sweep', he was a young lad. The second story, 'The Farmer', has taken us forward by seven years, and the narrator is training to be a teacher - which he has become by the time of the third story, 'The Lawyer'. Professor Van Helsing tells of how he, Arthur Holmwood (Lord Godalming) and Quincey Morris managed to trace the identity of the boat on which Count Dracula has left London bound for his castle in Transylvania. He obviously enjoys giving an account of w...

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  • Claare ny Gael 9th June 2024

    Sunday, 9 June 2024

    50 minutes

    Dorothy Manley's collection, 'Fairy's Ground : Homely Tales', contains five stories involving a character called Fairy Cregeen. In the second tale, Joshua 'Joss' Cregeen is working for a farmer called Charley Willie, where Charlie's daughter, Alice, takes on a lot of the work.As we move on through Bram Stoker's story, 'Dracula', Professor Van Helsing has stopped Lord Godalming and Quincey Morris from rushing out to hunt for Count Dracula as all they know is that he's on a ship and there are hundreds in the port of London. Also, the ship was just sailing out on the morning tide, so the Coun...

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  • Claare ny Gael 2nd June 2024

    Sunday, 2 June 2024

    49 minutes

    Dorothy Manley's story, 'The Chimney Sweep', is the first in her collection called 'Fairy's Ground : Homely Tales and Poems'. In the 'Homely Tales' she creates a male narrator who brings the first tale to an end and embarks on a second, entitled 'The Farmer'.Jonathan Harker's journal is describing how he is pleased that his wife, Mina, is sleeping dreamlessly, but that he himself is tired but not sleepy. However, he realises that he needs to sleep to be ready for whatever the next day brings. We continue exploring Bram Stoker's story of 'Dracula' in a translation into Manx.As y kiaull 'sy c...

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  • Claare ny Gael 26th May 2024

    Sunday, 26 May 2024

    49 minutes

    We looked at the poetry from the booklet, 'FAIRY'S GROUND : Homely Tales and Poems : by Dorothy Manley', and now we turn to the first of the 'Homely Tales' which is called 'The Chimney Sweep'.In our extract from the translation into Manx of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula', after the escape of Count Dracula from his house in Piccadilly, the five friends return to Purfleet and are much moved by the words of Mina Harker, who has been awaiting them there.As y kiaull ain 'sy chlaare shoh -FIONA MACKENZIE & ANAM - In oTONY TRUSCOTT & CORNISH SONGWRITERS - The old timerCARLOS SWEENEY McCARTIN - The Stig j...

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  • Claare ny Gael 19th May 2024

    Sunday, 19 May 2024

    49 minutes

    Dorothy Manley was brought up in Ramsey and from a young age became well-known for her recitation, winning awards for her dramatic interpretations, and widely praised for her acting ability. We hear her poetry from a booklet, 'Fairy's Ground : Homely Tales and Poems'.In our translation into Manx of Bram Stoker's Dracula, the five friends are gathered at Count Dracula's house in Piccadilly. Quincey Morris quickly, by gesture alone, places them so that they can deal with the arrival of the Count, whose key can be heard in the lock of the front door.As y kiaull ain -GWENNYN - DonezenCHRISTY MO...

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  • Claare ny Gael 12th May 2024

    Saturday, 11 May 2024

    50 minutes

    Having looked recently at a 1965 book of poetry by Barbara Cowley of Peel, 'More Poems of Man', there are some earlier poems which appeared in the pages of the Peel City Guardian from January to July 1963, and probably formed the basis of an earlier collection of Barbara Cowley, probably called 'Poems of Man'. In our translation into Manx of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula', Professor Van Helsing, Dr John Seward and Jonathan Harker are in Count Dracula's house in Piccadilly, whilst Lord Godalming and Quincey Morris have gone to make the dozen remaining boxes of Transylvanian earth useless as daytim...

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  • Claare ny Gael 5th May 2024

    Saturday, 4 May 2024

    50 minutes

    On 5th May 1830 Thomas Edward Brown was born in New Bond Street, Douglas. Dollin Kelly's one-man tour de force performance of T E Brown's poem, 'Betsy Lee', which he took to the Edinburgh Festival, was recorded by Charles Guard for the Manx Heritage Foundation in 1992. That is now available on the Culture Vannin website. We hear Dollin Kelly and the opening section of 'Betsy Lee'. A locksmith has just opened the door of the house in Piccadilly bought by Count Dracula and the party assembles to search the house for boxes of Transylvanian soil and for any further clues they can find. Another...

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  • Claare ny Gael 28th April 2024

    Saturday, 27 April 2024

    49 minutes

    From the 1965 collection, 'More Poems of Man', we have pieces by Margery Robinson and David Marno, and even find one we missed by main author, Barbara Cowley, the sister of Margery and mother of David. The friends are about to leave Mina Harker as they go to Carfax, the adjacent house owned by Count Dracula, to make his daytime lairs of Transylvanian soil unusable by him, before going on to another house he's bought in Piccadilly to do the same and look for clues. Another episode from our translation into the Manx Gaelic of the famous story by Bram Stoker. As y kiaull ain - CAARJYN COOIDJ...

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  • Claare ny Gael, 21st April 2024

    Saturday, 20 April 2024

    50 minutes

    We again dip into the 1965 collection of 'More Poems of Man', in which we finish off the poems written by Barbara Cowley of Peel and hear one written by her son, David Marno. Professor Van Helsing has been saying that he himself, together with Dr John Seward and Jonathan Harker, will stay at Count Dracula's house in Picadilly whilst Lord Godalming and Quincey Morris go to search out and destroy the Count's lairs elsewhere in London. More from our translation into the Manx Gaelic of the famous book by Bram Stoker. As y kiaull ain - KANERION PLEUIGNER - Ar hogig ru FIONA MACKENZIE - A phiut...

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  • Claare ny Gael 14th April 2024

    Saturday, 13 April 2024

    50 minutes

    We're dipping into a booklet published in 1965 and called 'More Poems of Man', a collection of poems by Barbara Cowley of Peel, with other poems by her son and her sister. There must have been an earlier 'Poems of Man', but whilst that's not to hand, there are other poems which appear in the Peel City Guardian, so it's likely that they made up the earlier collection. In our translation of Bram Stoker's Dracula into the Manx Gaelic, Jonathan Harker is getting agitated about wasting time, but Professor Van Helsing explains the difficulty about breaking into a house in Picadilly but suggests ...

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  • Claare ny Gael 7th April 2024

    Saturday, 6 April 2024

    48 minutes

    We hear of Dorothy Wordsworth's final week in the Island before she leaves at 11.50pm on 19th July 1828 to sail back overnight to Whitehaven. She seems to have been fortunate with the weather during her walking tour, but these last few days bring quite a lot of rain. However, she does prevail upon Joanna Hutchinson to see a doctor. An attendant in Dr John Seward's asylum thought he'd heard two voices in the room of the patient, Renfield, but when he'd gone into the room there was only Renfield, lying crumpled on the floor, dead. What could Dr Seward and his comrades possibly tell an inques...

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  • Claare ny Gael 31st March 2024

    Saturday, 30 March 2024

    50 minutes

    Dorothy Wordsworth returns from Ramsey to Douglas on a carrier's cart. En route she enters a clean but poor cottage in Laxey and is not impressed with the superficial sanctity of a fellow passenger, a young Methodist preacher. Back in Douglas she meets up with Henry Hutchinson and Willy Wordsworth again, and some friends, Mr and Mrs Putnam. Mina Harker is describing the dreadful events when she suddenly finds standing at her bedside a tall, thin man clothed all in black who seems to have emerged from the thin white mist in her room. Another episode from the translation into the Manx Gaelic...

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  • Claare ny Gael 24th March 2024

    Saturday, 23 March 2024

    49 minutes

    After spending the night in an attractive cottage at Ballure, Dorothy Wordsworth enjoys the pleasant setting once more before setting out with Henry Hutchinson and Willy Wordsworth for Maughold. There she leaves them to make their way back to Douglas whilst she returns to Ramsey. Dr John Seward has explained all that happened to Jonathan Harker, whose wife, Mina, has become a victim of Count Dracula. We also hear of how Arthur Holmwood (Lord Godalming) and Quincey Morris got on in pursuit of the Count. Another episode from the translation into the Manx Gaelic of Bram Stoker's story, Dracul...

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  • Claare ny Gael 17th March 2024

    Saturday, 16 March 2024

    49 minutes

    Dorothy Wordsworth's walking tour of the Island in July 1828 has brought her to a cottage at the foot of Ballure Glen, where the hosts are Mrs Brew and Miss Trivett. After a walk out to Maughold, she returns to Ramsey. Professor Van Helsing and his friends have broken into the room ofJonathan and Mina Harker - only to find Mina in the fierce clutch of Count Dracula as he forces her down onto Jonathan's chest to suck his blood. Another episode  from the translation of Bram Stoker's story into the Manx Gaelic. As y kiaull ain son Laa'l Pharick - CHRISTY MOORE - Patrick was a gentleman RITA ...

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  • Claare ny Gael 10th March 2024

    Saturday, 9 March 2024

    50 minutes

    We left Dorothy Wordsworth, Henry Hutchinson and Willy Wordsworth walking under the trees planted by Bishop Thomas Wilson at Bishopscourt after visiting the good bishop's grave at Kirk Michael. It's onwards north again now as they make a walking tour in July 1828. In our translation into the Manx Gaelic of Bram Stoker's Dracula, Dr John Seward's patient, Renfield, has been badly injured. He realises he's dying, but he's got something very important to tell the doctor and his companions, which leads to an awful discovery. As y kiaull 'sy chlaare y cheayrt shoh - JUNE TABOR & MARTIN SIMPSON...

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  • Claare ny Gael 3rd March 2024

    Saturday, 2 March 2024

    49 minutes

    Tuesday 8th July 1828 had been a tiring day's walk for Dorothy Wordsworth from Castletown to Port St Mary, over the Meayll to Port Erin, then up over Cronk ny Arrey Laa and down through Dalby to Peel. However, she's now up and ready for the next day. Professor Van Helsing is waiting for the right time to do a trepanning operation on the skull of the patient, Renfield, who's suffered injuries. Will he survive and recover to tell them what happened? Another episode from Bram Stoker's Dracula in a translation into the Manx Gaelic. As nyn giaull - ADIEMUS, cond. Sir Karl Jenkins - Salm o Dewi...

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  • Claare ny Gael 25th February 2024

    Saturday, 24 February 2024

    49 minutes

    We're joining Dorothy Wordsworth in July 1828 as she makes a walking tour which has taken her to Castletown, then on the next day to Port St Mary and Port Erin. Now she's about to climb up and over to Peel, through Dalby and Glen Maye. In an episode from Bram Stoker's Dracula in a translation into the Manx Gaelic, an attendant in the asylum run by Dr John Seward has just burst in to tell him that his patient, Renfield, has suffered an accident. Later, tension mounts as Professor Van Helsing awaits the right moment to operate - but will it be too late?  As y kiaull 'sy chlaare - 3 DAFT MON...

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  • Claare ny Gael 18th February 2024

    Saturday, 17 February 2024

    50 minutes

    Dorothy Wordsworth is out walking again during her visit to the Island of 1828, and we hear her description of the gardens around the Duke of Atholl's Castle Mona before she undertakes a walk from Douglas to Castletown and then to Port St Mary and Port Erin. In our translation into the Manx Gaelic of Bram Stoker's Dracula, Dr John Seward forms the suspicion that Count Dracula has somehow visited his asylum patient, Renfield, to hatch some further diabolic scheme. Lord Godalming receives a fawning letter from the estate agents who have sold the Count a house in Picadilly. As y kiaull y che...

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  • Claare ny Gael 11th February 2024

    Saturday, 10 February 2024

    50 minutes

    Dorothy Wordsworth continues describing what she sees on her walks in and around the Douglas area and the people she meets as she stays with Joanna and Henry Hutchinson on the South Quay in Douglas. Her nephew, poet William Wordsworth's youngest son, Willy, is also staying there this summer of 1828. Dr John Seward's asylum patient, Renfield, is causing some interest and concern again. Dr Seward tries to get further information from him. He talks of 'eating' but can't bring himself to mention 'drinking'. Dr Seward wonders about the reason, in this episode from our translation into the Manx ...

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  • Claare ny Gael 4th February 2024

    Saturday, 3 February 2024

    50 minutes

    After seeing Rev Robert Brown conducting a service at St Matthew's, Dorothy Wordsworth now goes to call on him and his family. As well as her account of their home, we also hear from a famous son of the family, Hugh Stowell Brown, as he recalls the house in New Bond Street in Douglas. In our translation into the Manx Gaelic of Dracula, Jonathan Harker returns to Purfleet. He finds his wife, Mina, rather pale. She is now to be kept out of the matter, but all try to make act normally before Jonathan explains what he has found out. Dr John Seward is perplexed about his patient, Renfield again...

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