On Air Time for Brass Ian Cottier | 9:00pm - 10:00pm

Treasury focused on managing Steam Packet debt

Tashtey jeerit er reirey feeaghan y Phaggad Bree

Creck y colught 'scughit veih'n voayrd'

Ta'n Shirveishagh Tashtee gra dy vel ad jeerit er reirey y feeaghan £76 millioon ta'n Paggad Bree fo lhiastynys da.

Agh t'eh gra dy vel creck y colught er ve "scughit veih'n voayrd".

Ta ymmodee reihyn er ve currit roish son Tinvaal dy hursmooinaghtyn er.

As eh loayrt 'sy chlaare Mandate moghrey Jecrean (10 Jerrey Souree), dooyrt Alfred Cannan dy row reih-reih ayn.

AS ALFRED CANNAN : Yn reih-reih, by vie lhien cur er y cholught eh dy reirey dy kiart as dy fondagh: she aght dellal mie eh, shen y yannoo. Agh myr nee olteynyn ooasle veih Tinvaal fakin, as myr nee y theay fakin, ta reihyn elley er y voayrd vees fondagh rere y costys oc as oddagh goll er fordrail. Myr shoh nee mayd sursmooinaghtyn orroosyn shen. Agh dinsh shin, tra ren shin livrey dellal y Phaggad Bree, myr dy ghra, da Tinvaal, va er ny phohlldal, dooyrt shin dy jinnagh shin sursmooinaghtyn er dy chooilley reih 'sy traa ry heet. Ta shin er hursmooinaghtyn er ny reihyn shen. Foddym insh diu, dy vel parteeassyn strateishagh dy bollagh, ronnaghyn, creck y colught, dy bollagh er ve scughit veih'n voayrd.     


Sale of business 'off the table'

The Treasury Minister says they're focused on managing the £76 million debt owed by the Steam Packet.

However, he says a sale of the business is "off the table".

Numerous options have been put forward for Tynwald to consider

Speaking on Mandate on Wednesday morning (10 July), Alfred Cannan said there was a preferred option:

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