Daayt chosheeaght yn Toor Kemmyrk er ny eeraghey
Daayt chosheeaght yn Toor Kemmyrk ayns 2016, t'eh er ny eeraghey.
Bee eh taghyrt Jesarn, yn çhiaghtoo laa Mee Boaldyn.
Reaghit ec Reirey Ghoolish Veanagh dy chooney lesh yn RNLI, chleayn y chosheeaght ny shlee na queig thousane dy leih chuic ayns 2015.
Foddee sleih ec eash erbee goaill ayrn sy chosheeaght, agh shegin peiagh aasit ve marish paitçhyn.
Shegin eaddagh as cullee-choshey cooie y cheau, as shegin ve biallagh rish saraghyn ny h-arreyderyn-coose as stiurtyn car y traa.
Croghey er yn emshir as y tidey, t'eh jerkit dy bee toshiaght currit da'n chosheeaght syn astyr, mysh traa-tey.
Tower of Refuge walk date confirmed
The date of the 2016 Tower of Refuge Walk has been confirmed.
It will take place on Saturday, May 7.
Organised by Douglas Town Centre Management in aid of the RNLI, the walk attracted more than 5,000 people in 2015.
It is open to all ages, but children must be accompanaied by an adult.
Suitable clothing and footwear must be worn and instructions by the coastguards and stewards followed at all times.
Subject to weather and tidal conditions the walk is expected to begin in the early evening.