On Air Greatest Hits Chris Kinley | 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Strikes later this month if pay deal isn't reached

Stholkyn ny s'anmey 'sy vee shoh mannagh vel reaghys er faill jeant

Sheshaghtyn keirdey ny fir ynsee cheet quail cochianglyssyn jeadyssagh Jecrean (4 Mee Vayrt)

Mannagh vel sheshaghtyn keirdey ny fir ynsee geddyn cheb er faill liorish jerrey y vee, oddagh stholkyn goaill toshiaght.

Shen yn chaghteraght veih Sheshaght Ashoonagh ny Hard Fir Ynsee choud's ta ny three sheshaghtyn keirdey, as ec y traa t'ayn ta jantys jeadyssagh oc giare jeh shooyl magh ass, jannoo aarloo dy chummal coloayrtyssyn rish Shirveish Cochianglyssyn Jeadyssagh Vannin.

Va chaghteryn Sheshaght Ashoonagh ny Hard Fir Ynsee, Sheshaght Ashoonagh ny Mainshtyryn Scoill/Sheshaght Cheirdey ny Mraane Ynsee as Sheshaght ny Leeideilee Scoill as Colleish cheet quail y chirveish Jecrean (4 Mee Vayrt) ayns eab dy chur kione er yn argane ta foast goll er rish yn Rheynn Ynsee, Spoyrt as Cultoor.

Ta Screeudeyr Ashoonagh Sheshaght Ashoonagh ny Hard Fir Ynsee Rob Kelsall gra dy vel olteynyn y heshaght cheirdey er chur kione-laa:

AS ROB KELSALL : "Ta olteynyn er reaghey 31 Mee Vayrt myr date lane-scanshoil er nyn son, mannagh vel y dellal shen er y voayrd, mannagh vel shin er n'gheddyn aght feayslee, eisht dy jarroo bee bree currit da yrjaghey y jantys ec y traa shen. As shen red ennagh my-dy-chione ta mee er screeu rish yn Ard Shirveishagh, myr shoh ta fys mie echey er shen."

Ec y traa cheddin ta'n shirveishagh ynsee noa gra nagh vel eh geearree cur stiagh  er yn argane t'ayn nish eddyr y rheynn echey as ny fir ynsee er faill.

Agh ta'n Fer Lhee Alex Allinson gra dy vel eshyn ve pointit cur caa ymmydoil dy chur linney fo as dy ghoaill toshiaght er aa-hroggal cochianglyssyn.

T'eh cheet stiagh ayns ynnyd jeh Graham Cregeen t'er ve currit da'n Rheynn Cooishyn Sthie, ayns ynnyd Bill Malarkey, hooar baase y vee shoh chaie.

Ta'n Fer Lhee Allinson gra dy vel eh mayrney dy chur eh hene er enn da ny sheshaghtyn keirdey, agh nagh jean eh cheet dy ve cochianglt rish barganaghyn erbee.

AS YN FER LHEE ALLINSON : "Ta mee erskyn maynrey dy heet quail ny sheshaghtyn keirdey as dy chur er enn mee hene as dy loayrt roo. Ta starr barganey ain goll er ec y traa t'ayn. Cha jeanym cur stiagh er shen myr politickeyr. Ta sleih feer vie ain ass yn Tashtey, ass Oik yn Skimmee neesht, as ta saase soit ayn son shen. Myr shoh er-lhiam nagh lhisagh politickeyryn dy femoil cloie mygeayrt as cur stiagh er starr ta goll er jannoo. Agh ny ta mee geearree jannoo, ny ta treisht orrym jannoo, shen dy hayrn linney fo'n traa t'er n'gholl shaghey as dy gholl er oaie gys y traa ry heet." 


Teaching unions meeting with industrial relations Wednesday (4 March)

If teaching unions don't receive a pay offer by the end of the month, strikes could start.

That's the message from the National Association of Head Teachers as the three unions currently taking industrial action short of a walkout prepare to hold talks with the Manx Industrial Relations Service.

Representatives from the National Association of Head Teachers, the National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers and the Association of School and College Leaders were meeting with the service on Wednesday (4 March) in a bid to end of the ongoing dispute with the Department of Education, Sport and Culture.

NAHT National Secretary Rob Kelsall says the union's members have set a deadline:
Meanwhile, the new education minister says he doesn't want to interfere in the current dispute between his department and teachers over pay.

But Dr Alex Allinson says his appointment is a useful opportunity to draw a line and start rebuilding relations.

He takes over from Graham Cregeen who has been moved to the Department of Home Affairs, to take over from Bill Malarkey, who died last month.

Dr Allinson says he's happy to make himself known to the unions, but won't be getting involved in any negotiations:

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