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Public service workers vote in favour of industrial action

Obbreeyn y hirveish theayagh ceau teiy ayns foayr jeh jantys jeadyssagh

Sheshaght cheirdey Prospect treishteil dy chur er oaie coloayrtyssyn

Ta obbreeyn y hirveish theayagh ayns Ellan Vannin cur eam son jantys jeadyssagh cummyssagh ayns argane vees goll er mychione faill.

Jerrey Souree, ren y kerroo jiooldey cheb noa jeh 5.5 per cent er faill veih'n reiltys.

Myr eiyrtys y vriwnys shen, ren Prospect lhunney teiy coyrlee, ren dooney Jeheiney 25 Mee Luanistyn.

Ta teiy er ve ayn mastey three feed as jeih per cent jeh ny olteynyn eck, jeusyn ren 77 per cent votal ayns foayr jeh stholkey, my vees eh roshtyn y cheim shen.

Agh ta oaseir barganey Mick Hewer gra dy vel lheid y jannoo tannaghtyn myr yn chouyr s'jerree. 

AS MICK HEWER : Shegin da'n bun-linney y ve ny hoiggalys dy vel ny queig ponk queig per cent er ve jiooldit dy lane niartal, as myr red geiyrt er shen ta olteynyn gra dy vel ad skee jeh as t'ad cowraghey magh dy jinnagh ad goaill ayns laue sorch ennagh dy yantys. T'ou er nakin eh ayns ny shirveishyn slaynt, as dy treishteilagh cha jean oo fakin eh cheusthie jeh ny shirveishyn theayagh.

Translation notes

Ceau teiy : cast a vote     jantys jeadyssagh : industrial action     cur er oaie : further, promote, put forward, progress     cummyssagh : potential, possible     y kerroo : the sector     teiy coyrlee : consultative ballot     stholkey : striking     roshtyn y cheim shen : reaching that stage, that point  yn chouyr s'jerree : the last resort     y ve : a usage found only with ve rather than ve standing on its own    ny hoiggalys : describing a state or condition of understanding     dy lane niartal : full strongly, for overwhelmingly     dy vel ad skee jeh : that they're tired of, for have had enough

Prospect union hope to progress talks

Public service workers on the Isle of Man are calling for possible industrial action in an ongoing dispute over pay.

Back in July, the sector rejected a new pay offer of 5.5 per cent from government.

As a result of that decision, Prospect launched a consultative ballot, which closed on Friday 25 August.

Seventy per cent of its members have been balloted, of which 77 per cent voted in favour of strike action, if it reached that point.

But negotiations officer Mick Hewer says such a move remains the last resort:

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