Oddagh padjeryn ve faagit mooie jeh soieyn politickagh
Tuarastyl feddyn dy vel kuse dy Olteynyn yn Chiare as Feed gennaghtyn neu-aashagh as eddyr daa choyrle mychione cliaghtey
Oddagh padjeryn ve faagit mooie ec toshiaght soieyn yn Chiare as Feed as Tinvaal.
Ta tuarastyl veih bing Tinvaal coyrlaghey geddyn rey rish yn chliaghtey dy ve freggyrtagh rish caghlaayn 'sy cho-voodeeys noa-emshiragh.
Ta'n docamaid soilshaghey magh dy vel kuse dy olteynyn gennaghtyn neu-aashagh as eddyr daa choyrle mychione goaill stiagh padjeryn, choud's ta un Oltey yn Chiare as Feed cur coontey jeh'n chliaghtey myr ass date.
Ta Loayreyder yn Chiare as Feed Juan Watterson, ta caairlagh y ving, gra dy nee scanshoil eh dy vel dy chooilley pheiagh gennaghtyn dy ve ny pharteeas, gyn scansh da'n chredue echey.
AS JUAN WATTERSON : Er-lhiam dy vel enney er ayns shen, hoshiaght dy vel feme er Olteynyn ve ayns nyn ynnydyn trooid daaltyn ooilley yn Chiare as Feed, as dy vel olteynyn ayn nagh vel aashagh rish shen. Er-lhiam choud's vees Tinvaal goll er oaie, choud's vees yn Chiare as Feed goll er oaie, cheet dy ve noa-emshiragh, dy vel feme ain er ve freggyrtagh rish y cho-voodeeys, jeh ta shin paart. As shen goaill stiagh cur arrym da ny barelyn jeh credjueyn ooilley as jeh veg y chredjue.
Report finds some MHKs feel uncomfortable and conflicted by custom
Prayers could be removed from the start of House of Keys and Tynwald sittings.
A report from a Tynwald committee is recommending the custom be dropped to reflect the changes in modern society.
The document shows some members feel uncomfortable and conflicted by the inclusion of prayers, while one MHK described the practice as outdated.
Speaker of the House of Keys Juan Watterson, who chairs the committee, says it's important everyone feels included, regardless of their faith: