Penshyneyryn goaill toshiaght dy eeck son paart dy hirveishyn-barroose
Caghlaaghyn ayns lowanseyn barroose as raad-yiarn son penshyneyryn, va toshiaght currit daue Jelune.
Nish, bee orroo lieh-hailley y eeck my vees ad troailt roish nuy er y chlag sy voghrey, er-nonney eddyr kiare as lieh-oor lurg queig syn astyr, ny jannoo ymmyd jeh shirveish y Hullad Oie.
Agh bee yn troailt foast nastee daue ec traaghyn elley, goaill stiagh laghyn seyrey vanc, as ec jerrey shiaghtin erbee.
Nick Black, Ard-Offishear y Rheynn Bun-Troggalys, hoilshee eshyn magh ny caghlaaghyn. Adsyn as kaart 60+ oc, shegin daue lieh-hailley y eeck ec traaghyn-mullee ny shirveishyn-barroose. She nastee foast ooilley ny shirveishyn elley. Paart dy leih as kaart 60+ oc, t'ad ec mullagh yn ablid-chosnee oc, dooyrt Mnr Black.
Pensioners start paying for some bus services
Changes to the bus and rail concessions for pensioners came into effect on Monday.
They'll now have to pay half fare if they're travelling before 9am, between 4pm and 5.30pm, or if using the Night Owl service.
But they'll still have free travel at other times, including bank holidays and weekends.
Over-60s will also have to pay half fares to use all three of the rail services.
Chief Officer of the Department of Infrastructure Nick Black explained the changes. Holders of a 60+ travel card have to pay half fare during peak time bus services. All other services remain free. Some holders of 60+ travel cards are at the peak of their earning power.