Bee OKF-yn noi raad-yiarn-tram sloo liauyr
Ta daa OKF ass Doolish gra dy bee ad noi ny plannyn jerrinagh dy bee yn çhirveish-tram cabbyl jeant dy ve sloo liauyr.
Yn çhiaghtin shoh çheet, bee eh shirrit er Tinvaal eh dy choardail rish treealtyssyn dy aa-lhiasaghey shooylaghan Ghoolish, as dy yannoo ass y noa co-raaidyn tram-cabbyl ayns mean yn çhooylaghan - agh ynrican eddyr Raad Lhean as Cronk Souree.
Ayns Mean Souree, vote Tinvaal dy beagh yn çhirveish goll harrish yn clane shooylaghan, kyndagh rish lhiasaghey liorish Oltey jeh'n Chiare as Feed son Doolish Yiass, ta nish ny Hirveishagh son Cooishyn Sthie, Bill Malarkey.
Dinsh Mnr Malarkey da Radio Vannin dy vel eh er gheddyn coardail dy lhiantyn rish y varel sheh, as eh ny oltey jeh Coonseil ny Shirveishee.
OKF son Doolish Hiar, Chris Robertshaw, t'eh coardail rish Mnr Malarkey, as t'eh jerkal dy jean co-oltynyn lhiantyn rish vote Tinvaal.
MHKs to oppose shorter tramway
Two Douglas MHKs say they'll oppose the latest plans to shorten the horse tram service.
Tynwald will next week be asked to approve proposals to redevelop Douglas Promenade and renew twin horse tram tracks in the centre of the prom - but only between Broadway and Summerhill.
In June Tynwald voted for the service to run the whole length of the promenade, after an amendment by South Douglas MHK, now Home Affairs Minister, Bill Malarkey.
Mr Malarkey told Manx Radio earlier he's gained approval to maintain that position as a member of the Council of Ministers.
East Douglas MHK Chris Robertshaw agrees, and hopes colleagues reaffitm that stance.