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Member of the Legislative Council investigating mental health strategy concerned over lack of knowledge

Sunday, 26 June 2022 11:02

By Bob Carswell

Imnea ec Oltey yn Choonceil Slattyssagh ronsaghey strateish er slaynt inchynagh mychione gennid dy hushtey

Bnr Sharpe briaght cre'n fa nagh vel yn strateish fo raad hannah fakin earrooyn vees soghal

Ta imneaghyn vel currym treealit son Kiarail Vannin skeaylley magh dy fondagh dy phohlldal slaynt inchynagh goll er cur roish.

Loayr Oltey yn Choonceil Slattyssagh Kerry Sharpe roish Tinvaal – cur freggyrt da'n eam son resoonaght cadjin liorish yn Shirveishagh Slaynt Lawrie Hooper.

Ta'n earroo dy leih vees currit da Shirveish Slaynt Inchynagh Clienney as Aegid Ellan Vannin er vishaghey liorish 42 per cent neayr's toshiaght yn chied traa fo ghlass er coontey Covid-19.

Ta Bnr Sharpe gra dy vel ee er ve ronsaghey strateish slaynt inchynagh yn Ellan as dy vel imnea eck mychione yn ghennid dy hushtey ec keim ard er y chooish.

AS KERRY SHARPE : Ta studeyryssyn er hoilshaghey magh, yn earroo s'menkey dy whaaltyssyn son slaynt inchynagh as sleih kionefenish feie'n chruinney – as shoh son sleih aasit as son paitchyn, ooilley mygeayrt yn theihll – dy vel shen nane. Myr shoh cho leah's t'ad er chur enn er yn nhee dy vel feme oc son pohlldal er-son slaynt inchynagh, cha nel yn chooid smoo dy leih kionfenish agh un whaaltys. Agh ta'n chied whaaltys shen feer eer scanshoil. Agh fakin cho scanshoil as ta'n strateish shoh, cre'n fa nagh vel eh fo raad dy slane kiart nish?


Mrs Sharpe questions why the strategy isn't already up and running given surging figures

Concerns over whether the proposed Manx Care mandate go far enough to support mental health are being raised.

MLC Kerry Sharpe spoke in Tynwald - responding to the call for a general debate by Health Minister Lawrie Hooper.

Referrals to the Isle of Man Children's and Adolescents Mental Health Service have increased by 42 percent since the beginning of the first Covid-19 lockdown.

Mrs Sharpe says she's been investigating the Island's mental health strategy and is concerned by the lack of knowledge at high level on the topic.

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