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Member of the House of Keys claims Manx airspace used to train for 'bombing campaigns'

Oltey yn Chiare as Feed gra dy vel eaghtyr speyrey Vannin goll er ymmydey dy hraenal 'troddanyn bombal'

Wannenburgh cur feyshtyn mychione polasee yn Ellan er entreilys liorish yn Cheshaght Chaggee Aer Reeoil

Ta Oltey yn Chiare as Feed son Doolish Hwoaie er n'ghra dy vel skimmeeyn aer joarree er n'yannoo ymmyd jeh eaghtyr speyrey Vannin dy hraenal son 'troddanyn bombal'.  

Ren John Wannenburgh loayrt mychione shoh ayns yn Chiare as Feed Jemayrt, 22 Toshiaght Arree.

Ren eh briaght jeh'n ard shirveishagh mychione y pholasee bentyn da entreilys liorish yn Cheshaght Chaggee Aer Reeoil da'n eaghtyr speyrey.

V'eh geearree fys ve echey neesht er y phooar coyrlee t'ec Reiltys Vannin er kiarail y Heshaght Chaggee Aer Reeoil ayns cur cooney da cheeraghyn elley cheumooie jeh'n Reeriaght Unnaneysit.

Dooyrt Alfred Cannan nagh vel Ellan Vannin jannoo reih eddyr etlanyn caggee as shivoil.

AS ALFRED CANNAN : Er conaant dy vel etlan gobbraghey biallagh da reillyn bentyn da'n aer, as nagh vel reaghyssyn ayn son lhiettrymyssyn eddyr-ashoonagh er etlan ny ersyn vees gobbraghey eh, ta entreilys da eaghtyr speyrey Vannin seyr gys ooilley, gyn jannoo reih eddyr etlanyn caggee ny etlanyn shivoil. 

Myr ta fys ec Olteynyn Onnoroil, ta currym bunraghtoil er yn Reeriaght Unnaneysit dy choadey yn Ellan as harrish cochianglyssyn eddyr-ashoonagh.  Ta kiarail y Heshaght Chaggee Aer Reeoil ayns cur cooney da cheeraghyn elley ny cooish ynrican son Reiltys y Reeriaght Unnaneysit.


Wannenburgh questions Island's policy on Royal Air Force access

A Douglas North Member of the House of Keys has claimed that foreign air crew have used Manx airspace to train for 'bombing campaigns'.

John Wannenburgh made the comments in the House of Keys on Tuesday 22 February.

He asked the chief minister about the policy in relation to Royal Air Force access to the airspace.

He also wanted to know what influence the Manx Government has over the provision of RAF support to countries other than the United Kingdom.

Alfred Cannan said the Isle of Man doesn't discriminate between military and civilian aircraft.

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