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Manxman dies on Thailand holiday

Hooar Manninagh baase sy Çheer Thai

Ta Manninagh er gheddyn baase, as eh goaill laghyn seyrey sy Çheer Thai.
Haink naightyn magh dy row Scott Townsend baiht sy cheayn ec traie Phatong er ellan Phuket, moghrey Jeheiney.

V'eh shiaght bleeaney jeig as feed dy eash.

T'eh toiggit dy row eh er ve son faagail Çheer Thai y laa er giyn  - v'eh er jeet gys shen yn jerrey-shiaghtin roish shen.

Ta skeealyn ayns ny meanyn Thai gra dy vel fys er ny chur da'n Chonsul Goaldagh.

Manxman dies on Thailand holiday

A Manxman has died while on holiday in Thailand.

37-year-old Scott Townsend reportedly drowned in the sea at Patong beach on the island of Phuket on Friday morning.

It's understood he had been due to leave Thailand the following day, having arrived the previous weekend.

Reports in the Thai media say the British Consul has been informed.

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