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Management restructures in health could cost extra £3.5m a year

Oddys cur strughtooryn reiree noa er slaynt costal £3.5m elley 'sy vlein

Shirveishagh gra dy vel rollaghyn faillee as claareyn argidoil er chaghlaa 'dy mooar' neayr's lhunney Kiarail Vannin

Ta ooley er ve jeant dy voddagh ny strughtooryn reiree noa son yn rheynn slaynt as Kiarail Vannin costal £3.5 millioon elley 'sy vlein. 

Shen rere yn Shirveishagh Slaynt, Lawrie Hooper.

Va feysht currit er ayns soie yn Chiare as Feed Jemayrt 8 Mee Vayrt mychione yn aght ta rollaghyn faillee as claareyn argidoil 'sy rheynn echey er chaghlaa neayr's va Kiarail Vannin currit er bun.

Ta Mnr Hooper gra dy vel shoh er chaghlaa 'dy mooar' lurg lhunney Kiarail Vannin.

AS LAWRIE HOOPER : Nee'n Rheynn gobbraghey myr ayrn jeh oardagh cadjin bleinoil y chlaare argidoil dy aa-scrutaghey femeyn son obbreeyn as obbraghyn 'sy chlaare argidoil dy jeeraghey er livrey currymyn slattyssagh as lhiasaghey polaseeyn dy chur fys chammah's son y churrym echey as son y chlaare slattyssagh. Lurg daa vee jeig ayns obbraghey 'sy rheynn aa-chiaddit, ta'n nah faaishnys three-bleeaney son rollaghyn faillee as bun-linney claare argidoil yn Rheynn dy vel ad jerkit dy vishaghey ynrican rere bolgey argidoil as claare argidoil erbee son tooilley faill bee ry gheddyn veih strateish argidoil yn Tashtey 'sy traa meanagh.   


Minister says payrolls and budgets have changed 'significantly' since Manx Care launch

It's been estimated the new management structures for the health department and Manx Care could cost an extra £3.5 million a year.

That's according to Health Minister, Lawrie Hooper

He was asked in the House of Keys sitting on Tuesday 8 March how payroll and budgets in his department have changed since Manx Care was established.

Mr Hooper says these have changed 'significantly' following the launch of Manx Care:

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