She 'ass towse' va freggyrt yn Ellan rish tranlaase-agglee
Va lhoan-charbyd dooint ec Roonysvaie ny lurg y bleaystan ayns Manchuin.
Ta caairliagh Varrantee Braddan er ghra dy row freggyrt yn Ellan rish y vleaystan ayns Manchuin 'lane ass towse'.
Hooar jees as feed dy 'leih baase Jelune y nah laa as feed Mee Boaldyn, tra lhig Salman Abedi bleaystan jeh.
Kyndagh rish yn atçhim, y lhoan faagail as troggal seose ec purt-aer Roonysvaie, v'eh er ny yeigh ry-hoi shickyrys.
Ta Andrew Jessop smooinaghtyn dy re feer neulicklee taghyrt tranlaase-agglee ayns Mannin.
Island's response to terror 'over the top'
A vehicle lane was closed at Ronaldsway following the Manchester bombing.
The chairman of Braddan Commissioners has branded the Island's response to the Manchester bombing as 'totally over the top'.
Twenty-two people lost their lives on Monday 22 May when Salman Abedi carried out the attack.
In the wake of the atrocity, the drop-off pick-up lane at Ronaldsway airport was closed as a security measure.
Andrew Jessop believes the likelihood of a terror attack on Manx soil is extremely low.