Yn Ellan cummal tostid son sleih va marrit ayns Paris
Chum Mannin un vinnid dy hostnid Jelune ayns cooinaghtyn jeusyn va marrit ayns Paris yn çhiaghtin shoh chaie.
Chammah as shen, hie bratteeyn er injillaghey son y tostid ec nane-jeig er y chlag moghrey Jelune, ec troggalyn reiltys ayns Doolish.
Chum Radio Vannin y tostid lesh cumrailys un vinnid jeh ny naightyn ec nane-jeig er y chlag.
Island observes silence for lives lost in Paris
The Isle of Man observed a one minute silence on Monday in memory of those who lost their lives in Paris last week.
Flags were also lowered to half mast for the silence at 11am on Monday morning at government buildings in Douglas.
Manx Radio observed the silence, with a one minute delay to the 11am news.