On Air Greatest Hits Chris Kinley | 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Impolite taxi drivers 'damaging' economy

Immanee-taksee 'jannoo skielley' da'n tarmaynys

Y ving ta reill takseeyn syn Ellan, t'ad gra dy vel ad boirit dy vel paart dy h-immanee-taksee cur barelyn jiooldagh mychione yn Ellan da ny custymeyryn oc.

Y ving-chied son ymmyrkey-raad, t'ee goaseiraghey stundayrtyn son carbid ymmyrkey theayagh, gollrish  takseeyn as barrooseyn - chammah as carbid chooid hrome.

Va'n tuarastyl bleinoil eck er ny chur roish Tinvaal y vee shoh chaie, as t'eh troggal ram boiraghyn - veih cooishyn bentyn da sauçhys charbid gys kiarail-chustymeyr.

Chammah as shen, ta'n ving dellal rish yeearreyderyn nagh vod lhaih, loayrt ny toiggal Baarle.

As ta boirey ayn myrgeddin, kyndagh roosyn as Baarle vie oc ta cur ny barelyn jiooldagh oc mychione yn Ellan da sleih ta çheet dys shoh.
She Brendan O'Friel ta screeudeyr y ving.

T'eh gra, veagh sampleyryn jeh shen, sleih loayrt dy lunagh as dy jiooldagh mychione yn Ellan, tra t'ad gymmyrkey lhieu stiagh turrysee, ny sleih-dellal ta çheet dy yannoo dellal syn Ellan.

Cha vod shoh ve goit rish er chor erbee, as t'eh dy bollagh noi ny ta'n reiltys shirrey - troggal seose y tarmaynys. As ta feanish ennagh ayn, foddee dy vel yn ymmyrkey jiooldagh shoh er chur er sleih ennagh dyn çheet dys yn Ellan reesht, er-nonney dyn cur dellal er bun ayns shoh.

Ta shen feer voiragh.

Impolite taxi drivers 'damaging' economy

The body which regulates taxis in the Island says it's concerned some drivers are pressing negative views about here on their passengers.

The Road Transport Licensing Commitee oversees standards for public passenger vehicles, or PPVs  - such as taxis and buses - as well as heavy goods vehicles.

Its annual report laid before Tynwald last month, raises a raft of concerns - from vehicle safety issues to customer care.

The commiittee says it's also seeing applicants unable to read, speak or understand English.

And there's concern too, over those who speak the language well - but are giving visitors a negative impression of the Island.

The RTLC's chairman is Brendan O'Friel.

He says examples of that, would be 'people  being quite rude and negative about the Island when they're bringing in either visitors or business people coming to do business in the Island. Now this is entirely unacceptable and it's completely against what the government's trying to do, which is to build the economy. And there's evidence that some of this negative behaviour may have resulted in people not coming back to the Island or in not pursuing a business interest here. That's very troubling.'

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