Boirey mooar kyndagh rish penshynyn y cherroo theayagh. Earrooyn jerrinagh soilshaghey bishaghey shiaght millioon jeig punt sy vaarney argidoil
Alf Cannan, Oltey jeh'n Chiare as Feed son Maayl, t'eh gra dy vel eh boirit dy mooar ec ny h-earrooyn jerrinagh ta bentyn da penshynyn kerroo theayagh.
Roish shoh, ta Mnr Cannan er nobbraghey myr lhiass-screeudeyr yn lught-reill son penshynyn y cherroo theayagh.
As eh loayrt dy bio er Barel Jedoonee er Radio Vannin, dooyrt eh nagh nee earrooyn taitnyssagh t'ayn.
Huge concerns over public sector pensions - latest figures show £17 million rise in funding gap
Michael MHK Alf Cannan says he has serious concerns about the latest figures relating to public sector pensions.
Mr Cannan has previously served as the vice-chairman of the Public Sector Pensions Authority.
Speaking live on Sunday Opinion on Manx Radio, he said the figures do not make for good reading.