Stiureyder ny raaidyn mooarey shirrey leshtal mychione obbraghyn er Raad y Traie
Jeff Robinson goaill rish dy row marranyssyn jeant ayns chaglym er reirey traaght
Ta ard sharvaant y steat er hirrey leshtal son reirey traaght ayns jiass yn Ellan choud's va obbraghyn raaidey er y gherrid ayns Raad y Traie.
Ayns chaglym theayagh ayns Halley Skeerey Cairbre dy loayrt mychione cooishyn ta foast goll ayns Balley Beg, ren Stiureyder ny Raaidyn Mooarey Jeff Robinson goaill rish dy row y Rheynn Bun-Troggalys ayns marranys ayns keimyn moghey y skeim.
Cha noddagh traaght goll trooid Gansey goll agh un-troa veih Balleychashtal choud's va ny obbraghyn ayn.
V'eh er carbid fo raad gys Doolish ayns oor tarroogh y voghrey goll trooid Colby as Balley Beg as she plooghey trome va'n eiyrtys jeh shen.
Fy yerrey va ardyn gyn pairkal currit er bun er-lhongst y raad ren jannoo ny s'girrey cumrailyn.
Jeff Robinson admits mistakes were made at traffic management meeting
A senior civil servant has apologised about traffic management in the south of the Island during recent roadworks on Shore Road.
During a public meeting at Arbory Parish Hall to discuss ongoing issues in Ballabeg, Director of Highways Jeff Robinson admitted the Department of Infrastructure had got things wrong during the early stages of the scheme.
Traffic heading through Gansey could only travel one-way from Castletown during the works.
Vehicles heading to Douglas in the morning rush hour had to go through Colby and Ballabeg which led to severe congestion.
Eventually no parking zones were introduced along the route which did lessen delays.