'Obbyr creoi goaill toshiaght nish' as leeideilagh sheshaght cheirdey
Leeideilagh SAAFY cheet noal gys yn Ellan 'dy shiaghtinoil'
Ta Screeudeyr Ashoonagh Sheshaght Ashoonagh ny Ard-Fir Ynsee gra dy vel 'yn obbyr creoi goaill toshiaght nish' bentyn rish barganaghyn rish Rheynn Ynsee, Spoyrt as Cultoor yn Ellan.
Ny s'leaie, ren y cheshaght cheirdey cummal jeh'n jantys jeadyssagh eck ayns argane ta foast goll er lesh y rheynn lurg coardail er plan 10-poyntyn.
Va shoh goaill stiagh loayrt mychione faill 'sy traa ry heet as conaantyn as cur eam cooidjagh reesht er forum co-pharteeagh ny sheshaghtyn keirdey dy yeeaghyn er y Villey Ynsee ta ry heet.
As eh loayrt bio er Mandate moghrey Jeheiney (4 Jerrey Fouyir), dooyrt Rob Kelsall dy row feme nish er Tashtey Ellan Vannin baih argid ta dy mooar ymmyrchagh.
AS ROB KELSALL : Ayns ny kiare ny queig shiaghteeyn shoh cheet bee mayd thummit ayns barganaghyn chionn. Ta shin er chooilleeney ny ta shin credjal dy ve ny keim chiart dy chummal jeh'n jantys choud's ta ny barganaghyn shen goll er, agh, dy dooghyssagh, nish bee dy chooilley hooill er ablid y Rheynn as y Tashtey as y Hirveishagh dy chooilleeney ayns rieughid, ec y vun, reaghys ta ry hoiaghey jeh son ny olteynyn ain.
NAHT leader coming over to Island 'weekly'
The National Secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers says 'the hard work now begins' with regards to negotiations with the Island's Department of Education, Sport and Children.
Earlier, the union suspended its industrial action in an ongoing dispute with the department following the agreement of a 10-point plan.
This included discussing future pay and conditions and reconvening a joint union forum to look at the upcoming Education Bill.
Speaking live on Mandate on Friday morning (4 October), Rob Kelsall, said the IOM Treasury now needed to deliver badly needed investment.