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Garff MHK sees both sides of hospital row

Oltey jeh'n Chiare as Feed toiggal yn daa heu syn argane thie-lheihys

Martyn Perkins, yn OKF son Garff, t'eh gra dy vel eh toiggal yn daa varel syn argane bentyn da Thie-Lheihys Rhumsaa.

Ta unnid-endoscopee Thie-Lheihys Rhumsaa goll er arraghey gys Thie-Lheihys Noble ayns Braddan dy leodaghey traaghyn-farkee.

Ta boirey ayn dy re shoh yn toshiaght jeh plan foddey-çharrymagh Kate Beecroft dy laaraghey ooilley ny shirveishyn-slaynt. 

Ta Mnr Perkins gra dy vel barelyn fondagh er yn daa heu jeh'n resoonaght.

Garff MHK sees both sides of hospital row

Garff MHK Martyn Perkins says he understands both points of view in the row over Ramsey Cottage Hospital.

The endoscopy unit at the facility is being relocated to Noble's Hospital in Braddan to reduce waiting times.

There are concerns it's the start of Health Minister Kate Beecroft's long term plan to centralise all of its services.

Mr Perkins says there are valid arguments on both sides of the debate.

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