Eear-Shirveishagh cremmey toyrtyssyn focklagh veih cooyl-vinkeyryn
Eear-Shirveishagh son polasee as aa-chummey Chris Robertshaw, t'eh gra "molleydagh" rish quallid toyrtyssyn focklagh va currit er y gherrid ec Olteynyn y Chiare as Feed veih ny cooyl-vinkyn.
Jirree Mnr Robertshaw ass yn ard-ynnyd v'echey y vee shoh chaie, as eh gra dy row eh mollit nagh row e cho-hirveishee arryltagh dy ghoaill ayns laue yn caghlaa fraueagh t'eh credjal dy ve ymmyrçhagh son reiltys Vannin sy traa ry-heet.
Nish t'eh gra dy vel eh laccal çhebbal "coontey tushtagh" mychione ny t'eh credjal lhisagh ve taghyrt.
Former Minister criticises backbench contributions
Former Policy and Reform Minister Chris Robertshaw says the quality of contributions from back bench MHKs in recent years has been "disappointing".
Mr Robertshaw stood down from his high profile position last month, saying he was disappointed that fellow ministers weren't willing to embrace the radical change which he believes is essential for the future of Manx government.
He says he now wants to offer an "informed commentary" on what he believes should be happening.