Baatey eeastee goll fo mooie veih'n Cheyllys
Skimmee sauchey as ayns slaynt vie
Va baatey sauaillagh Purt le Moirrey, y Gough Ritchie 2, lhunnit fastyr beg Jesarn (23 Mee Houney), lurg da baatey eeastee va goll fo dy tappee cur magh eam mayday.
Haink y larum beggan lurg shey pm tra va'n baatey, as skimmee dy ghaa pheiagh echey, mysh daa veeiley dy lieh heear-hwoaie veih'n Cheyllys.
Va eamyn currit neesht er baatey sauaillagh Purt Chiarn, y Muriel as Leslie, as er etlan cassee gardyn y choose. Va fys currit da ooilley ny lhuing hauaillee choud's v'ad en route dy row y baatey er n'gholl fo, agh dy row yn daa pheiagh er ve livreit veih'n ushtey liorish baatey eeastee elley va faggys da.
Va skimmee y vaatey sauaillagh veih'n daa lhong currit er boayrd y baatey livrey dy hessal stayd ny dreihyn choud's va'n etlan cassee currit veih, as haink yn daa vaatey sauaillagh lesh y nah vaatey eeastee back gys purt Purt ny Hinshey, raad haink ny shirveishyn gyere-cheim nyn guaiyl. Haink tuarastyl nagh row gortyn jeant da daa oltey y skimmee.
Ta fer stiuree baatey sauaillagh Purt le Moirrey, Mike Keggen, gra, er-be dy row freggyrt tappee ec y nah vaatey eeastee, as dy row daa oltey y skimmee y vaatey ayns gaue ceau nyn jaggadyn sauchys, oddagh eiyrtys feer neu-chasley er ve ayn.
Crew safe and well
Port St Mary lifeboat Gough Ritchie 2 was launched yesterday evening (Sat 23) after a rapidly sinking fishing boat put out a mayday call.
The alarm was raised just after 6pm when the vessel, which had a crew of two, was around two and a half miles north west of the Calf Sound.
Port Erin's lifeboat Muriel and Leslie and a coastguard helicopter were also called out to help. All the rescue vessels were informed as they were en-route that the boat had sunk, but the crew had been rescued from the water by another fishing vessel which was nearby.
Lifeboat crew from both vessels were put on board the rescue boat to assess the condition of the casualties while the helicopter was stood down, and both lifeboats escorted the second fishing boat back to Peel harbour where they were met by emergency services. Both crew members were reported as being uninjured.
Port St Mary Cox, Mike Keggen, says if it had not been for the quick reaction of the second vessel, and the fact that both crew members from the stricken vessel were wearing their life jackets, the outcome could have been very different.