Tinvaal soie son y chied cheayrt ayns 2016
Hoie Tinvaal moghrey jea son y chied cheayrt ayns 2016.
Shimmey cooish v'ayn dy ve resoonit ec y chied çhaglym jeh Tinvaal, ayns blein hed ard-reihys er cummal syn Ellan.
Va olteynyn er chur roish nuy feyshtyn jeig, dy chooilley nane jeu son freggyrtyn loayrit, er-lhimmey jeh jees.
Hug y Shirveishagh Bun-Troggalys eddin rish kuse jeu shoh, ny lurg traa Nollick va tarroogh son y Rheynn echey.
Y sauçhys jeh cruin-hellvane, coaryssyn-fendeilys noi thooillaghyn ayns Doolish, as tashtey-lhiasee ventyr, hie feyshtyn er briaght mychione ooilley ny cooishyn shoh ec traa-feysht.
Y Shirveishagh Bun-Troggalys Phil Gawne, v'eh er ny eyshtey mychione lhieggey sheese droghad Laksey ny lurg drogh earish agglagh harrish yn Ellan ayns Mee ny Nollick.
Tuarastyl Tinvaal ta cremmey yn aght ren y Rheynn Bun-Trogglays dellal rish dredjal y phurt ec Purt ny h-Inshey, v'eh er ny chur roish y whaiyl son resooney sy traa ry-heet.
Tra hug olteynyn laue rish y phabyr-obbyr, hug y Shirveishagh Tashtee Eddie Teare y nah ockley ayns tree mee mychione cooishyn bentyn da seyrsnyssyn-penshyn.
Eisht Bill Henderson, Oltey jeh'n Choonseil Slattyssyagh as Oltey Politickagh son y Tashtey, hug eh roish paart dy lhiasaghyn da slattyssyn bentyn da penshynyn as cooney cadjin argidoil.
First Tynwald sitting of the year
Tynwald sat yesterday morning for the first time in 2016.
A host of issues were due to be discussed at parliament's first gathering in what is an election year in the Island.
Members had tabled 19 questions, all but two for spoken answer.
The Infrastructure Minister faced several of those following a busy Christmas period for his department.
The safety of phone masts, flood defence systems in Douglas, and the Enterprise Development Fund were all raised in Question Time.
DoI minister Phil Gawne was asked about the demolition of Laxey bridge following severe bad weather across the Island in December.
A Tynwald report critical of the DoI's handling of dredging in Peel harbour was laid before the court, for discussion at a latter date.
When members embarked on the Order Paper, Treasury Minister Eddie Teare made a second statement in three months on issues surrounding pension freedoms.
Member for the Treasury Bill Henderson MLC then brought forward a number of amendments to both pensions and benefits legislation.