Eear-leeideilagh Google greinnaghey neucheiltynaght
Dooyrt eear-leeideilagh Google da dellalyn Ellanagh dy re rheynn fysseree ny vun jeh aase.
Va shen grait echey ny lurg ISLEXOP yn çhiaghtin shoh chaie, ec y Villa Marina ayns Doolish.
Va'n entrepreneur nane jeh ny h-ard-loayrtee ec yn immeeaght, as loayr eh rish paart dy leeideilee ghellal ny lurg.
Moggyley as rheynn fysseree, t'ad jannoo foays da dy chooilley pheiagh, t'eh gra.
Ex-Google chief encourages openness
A former Google chief told Island businesses that sharing information is key to growth.
It comes in the wake of last week's ISLEXOP at the Villa Marina in Douglas.
Entrepreneur Dan Cobley was one of the keynote speakers of the event and spoke to a number of other aspiring business leaders afterwards.
He says networking and sharing intelligence benefits everyone.