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Department of Infrastructure road teams cut by two thirds in ten years

Fwirranyn raaidey yn Rheynn Bun-Troggalys giarrit liorish daa hreen ayns jeih bleeaney

Oltey son puirt cur fys da Tinvaal

Ta lught-obbree yn Rheynn Bun-Troggalys currit da cummal seose moggyl raaidyn yn Ellan daa hreen ny sloo na v'eh jeih bleeaney er dy henney.

Shen rere yn oltey politickagh as currym er son puirt, Oltey yn Chiare as Feed son Carbory, Balleychashtal as Malew Tim Glover.

Hug eh yn fys choud's va sur-smooinaghtyn er Plan Rheynn yn Rheynn Bun-Troggalys ayns Tinvaal.

AS TIM GLOVER : Fod mayd ooilley cheet er raaidyn ayns ny rheynnyn reihys ain hene ta fo stundayrt as feme obbyr, agh my vee'm ginsh diu dy vel yn lught-obbyr ayns rieughid ayns ny raaidyn mooarey nish yn trass ayrn jeh'n aght myr v'eh jeih bleeaney er dy henney, foddee shiu fakin yn doilleeid. Myr shoh ta'n aghin, my vees shiu geearree ayns rieughid shareaghey ny raaidyn 'syn Ellan, t'eh argid, t'eh baih ayns yn Rheynn Bun-Troggalys as 'sy lught-obbree dy chooilleeney ny skeimyn raaidey shoh. 


Member for ports gives information in Tynwald

The Department of Infrastructure workforce dedicated to maintaining the Island's road network is two thirds smaller than it was ten years ago.

That's according to the political member with responsibility for ports, Member of the House of Keys for Arbory, Castletown and Malew Tim Glover.

He provided the information during consideration of the DoI's Department Plan in Tynwald.

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