She 'plan neuslane' jannoo Balley Chashtal ass y noa
She 'neuslane' vees jannoo Balley Chashtal ass y noa, cordail rish Caairlagh varrantee yn valley.
Ta Alwyn Collister gra dy row briwnys jeant dy yannoo yn chooid smoo jeh ny h-obbraghyn syn ard çheu-mooie jeh'n chashtal ayns mean y valley.
Dinsh eh shoh da John Moss er Mandate moghrey Jelune. She 'lieh-chiartey' vees jeant kyndagh rish genney argid.
Castletown regeneration 'incomplete plan'
Regeneration of Castletown will be 'incomplete' according to the town commissioners' Chairman.
Alwyn Collister says a decision was made to focus the works on the area outside the castle in the town centre.
He told John Moss this on Mandate on Monday morning. 'Half a job' will be done because of lack of money.