Lhisagh bree ve currit da cagliagh bieauid 20mpo 'nish', ta Oltey yn Chiare as Feed son Doolish Veanagh dy ghra
Hug bunnys 600 peiagh freggyrt da'n cho-choyrle theayagh
Ta Oltey yn Chiare as Feed son Doolish Veanagh gra dy lhisagh bree ve currit da cagliagh bieauid 20mpo mygeayrt yn ard valley "nish", lurg da co-choyrle theayagh soilshaghey magh dy vel yn chooid smoo dy leih ayns foayr jeh'n chaghlaa.
Ren bunnys 600 peiagh cur freggyrt da ny treealtyssyn, va goaill stiagh neesht shareaghey sauchey raaidey mygeayrt ny ardjyn cummalagh as Scoill Ard Balley Kermeen.
Dyn y wooise da ny freggyrtyn jarrooagh, ta'n Skeim son Straiddyn Bio foast ny lhie er cosney argid, agh ta'n Rheynn Bun-Troggalys gra dy vel eh treishteil dy bee obbyr kiaddee goll er jannoo ny s'anmee 'sy vlein shoh.
Ta Ann Corlett gra dy lhisagh y shalee goll er oaie, agh t'ee goaill rish nagh vel ee dy kinjagh coardail rish goll er oaie ny lhie ynrican er ny eiyrtyssyn jeh co-choyrlaghyn theayagh.
AS ANN CORLETT : Shen freggyrt feer vie da co-choyrle theayagh. Dy ve firrinagh, cha nel mee dy kinjagh cur barrant ayns co-choyrlaghyn theayagh, freggyrtyn as eiyrtyssyn. Dooys she coarys as lheamys ayn dy bunnidagh, wheesh as, t'ou toiggal, cha nel fys ayd dy vel co-choyrle goll er jannoo, as my vees fys ayd, t'eh ort feddyn ee er y vol, as t'eh deinagh dy liooar dy lhieeney stiagh ee. As yn cheu elley j'ee, shen foddee dy vel jeih freggyrtee as feed ain, as ersooyl lhien dy yannoo policy soit er shen. Cha nel mee smooinaghtyn dy vel shen dy kinjagh yn red share.
Translation notes:
Lhisagh : ought, should cur bree da : give force to, here force be given to dy ghra : because of preceding object (the object is what is said) yn chooid smoo dy leih : the most part of people, the majority of people sauchey raaidey : safety of the road, road safety, with genitive form of raad ardjyn cummalagh : residential areas ayns foayr jeh : in favour of y caghlaa : the change, for the move dyn y wooise da : literally, without thanks to, meaning despite, irrespective of obbyr kiaddee : work of designing, design work s'anmee : the comparative and superlative form of s'anmey, later, as given by Cregeen cur barrant ayns : place confidence in, but also expressed as cur barrant gys in the Bible coarys as lheamys ayn : a system and a flaw in it, a flawed system dy bunnidagh : basically
Nearly 600 people responded to the consultation
A Douglas Central MHK says a 20mph speed limit should be implemented around the city "now", after a public consultation showed most people to be in favour of the move.
Nearly 600 people responded to the proposals, which also included improving road safety around the residential areas and Ballakermeen High School.
Despite the positive responses, the Living Streets Scheme is still subject to funding, but the Department of Infrastructure says it's hoped design work will take place later this year.
Ann Corlett says she the project should move forward, but admits she doesn't always agree with moving forward based solely on the results of consultations: