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Tennis: Boot & Cunningham American tournament champions

All junior coaching to start 11 Sept

The final matches in the series of American tournaments was played on Tuesday and fiercely contested by six pairs.

Eventually, the successful pair were Ben Cunningham & Susan Boot winning 14 games and runners-up Neri Gricievius and Cathy Tsitsos and Ray Roberts partnered by Chris Butler - both pairs won 12 games.

In the series of 5 competitions all players individual scores were kept and the overall winners were:

Men’s winner – Neri and r/up Ben Cunningham.

Women’s winner Michaela Duchonova r/up Susan Boot.


All Albany junior coaching re-commences from Saturday, 11 September with TOTS TENNIS for children from 4yrs old.

This starts at 11.15am and the other 2 Mini Tennis sessions follow at 12 noon and 1pm.

Contact Ian (496293/ianwatsonpts@manx.net) for more information.

Report by Pat Sharp.

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