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Shooting: Parsons crowned new IOM Sporting Champion

Three-way tie for runners up spot in A Class

The Sadler Agricultural Supplies IOM Sporting Championship was held at Meary Veg Santon with 26 competitors taking part in near ideal conditions.

A testing course of twelve stands greeted the shooters shot in two laps of six stands with singles, report pairs, instant pairs and trailing pairs set out over the twelve stands.

The leader at the half way stage was Alan Wade with 40 points, in second place on 39 was Dave Corlett with Neil Parsons in third place on 38, Nigel Moffatt was forth on 37, followed by John Moore in fifth place on 36 and making up the top six were Ben Richards and Jack Kneen on 35.

At the end of the second lap Nicky Barnett was the winner of C class with 41 points and also took second place in the ladies section, which went to Corina Moffatt on 50.

Arran wade was second in the Junior Cass with 62 points but Joe Faragher just beat him by one point for the junior prize scoring 63.

In B class, a shoot-off was required to find out who claimed second place between Jack Clague and George Davies who both scored 66. Jack was the winner of the shoot off scoring 7 to Georges 5, the winner of B class was John Moore on 71.

There was a three-way tie for the runners-up spot in A class between Nigel Moffatt, Alan Kinrade and Jake Keeling, all on 72, with Alan coming out on top hitting 9 to Jakes 7 and Nigel's 5; the winner of A class with 73 points was Alan Wade.

Third place overall went to Ben Richards on 74 with Dave Corlett taking the runners-up spot with 75 points but the new IOM Sporting Champion for 2021 is Neil Parsons with 77 points.


1st N Parsons 6,0,7,8,10,7,6,6,9,6,4,8=77

2nd D Corlett 5,4,6,5,10,9,9,4,9,7,3,4=75

3rd B Richards 7,4,5,6,9,4,8,7,9,8,4,3=74

A Class

1st A Wade 73, 2nd A Kinrade 72+9,3rd J Keeling 72+7, 4th N Moffatt 72+5

B Class

1st J Moore 71,2nd J Clague 66+7,3rd G Davies 66+5

C Class

1st N Barnett ldy 41


1st C Moffatt 50, 2nd N Barnett 41


1st J Faragher 63,2nd Arr Wade 62

This Saturday afternoon (24) is the third round of the Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT and the Manx Petroleum’s Olympic skeet league then on Sunday (25) is the Crowe Morgan English skeet GP over 125 targets.

Duty officers this week are P Fabrizio and M Barnett.

Report by Peter Kelly.  

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