Classes aim to help people feel more confident while cycling
If you're a little bit shakey while out cycling, MSR and the Road Safety Team have teamed up to help give you a confidence boost.
Fully inclusive Bike 4 Life sessions are being put on every Friday at the NSC raceway from 1:30-3pm.
They start from 21 May and will run until 22 October.
The sessions are for all abilities and will be with instructors that will make sure each cyclist gets the right coaching to meet individual needs.
A whole host of various bikes and equipment will be available; including wheelchair transporters, hand cycles, tandem bikes, quad cycles, and recumbent bikes.
You can either pay for the sessions at the NSC outdoor office or book online at msr.gov.im.
If you'd like more information, you're asked to contact Zoe Crowe on 688575 or you can email her on zoe.crowe@gov.im.