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Unmarked patrols catch a dozen motorists speeding in one day

Reminder of Island's speed limits throughout TT fortnight

The Isle of Man Roads Policing Unit says unmarked patrols detected over a dozen motorists exceeding the speed limit around the island yesterday.

In a post, the unit says the information is then relayed to marked patrols who stop and deal with the culprits. 

Its message reads: "This subject has caused a bit of upset with the keyboard warriors in the past, allow us to but this in a bit of context though… Don’t speed / break the law and you won’t get stopped and fined. Its that simple. Unmarked patrols are used to make our roads safer."

A number of roads across the Isle of Man will have temporary speed limits during the TT - enforced from 24 May until 11 June.


• Sections of the A1 Douglas to Ballacraine and A3 Ballacraine to Ramsey Roads (which make up the lower TT Course)

• Approach and exit to the derestricted section of the A18 Mountain Road (which will be one way from Ramsey to the Creg Ny Baa)

• A2 Ramsey to Onchan Coast Road

• A36 Sloc and Shoulder Road

• B12 Creg Ny Baa back Road and B20 Begoade Road


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