On Air Country Roads Andy Wint | 9:00pm - 10:00pm

Trains and trams to bolster skeleton bus service during strike

Plans to ensure the Island has a public transport service during a bus strike next week, have been unveiled.

A skeleton Bus Vannin service will operate using non-union drivers.

Steam trains and the Manx Electric Railway will also be brought back into service and arrangements have been made to transport children to the Island's High Schools for the last two days of term.

Bus Vannin plans to operate its Sunday and bank holiday timetable, if drivers walk out as planned next Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The steam railway will be utilised with services every 90 minutes while the trams will run every 30 minutes.

The Night Owl service will operate as planned to ensure party goers are not tempted to use their cars.

The department will be using casual drivers and other public transport staff who hold a valid PPV - anyone wishing to work during the strike should register by e mail at ohr@gov.im gtom Monday.

Those who can drive and are willing to walk 20 minutes into Douglas can park at the Bowl and NSC

Pupils living south of Ramsey Grammar School will travel in on the trams, while those heading to Castle Rushen from the south will be served by a temporary rail platform at School Hill.

Details of the ad hoc services during next week's strike will be posted on busandrail.info.

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