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'Somebody will get a referendum through'

MHK explains why he wants to see Island's referendum laws updated

Politicians may have chosen not to hold a public vote on assisted dying, but one MHK says the Island's referendum laws still need updating.

Douglas Central member Chris Thomas has been granted leave to introduce a Private Members' Bill, which would look at the purpose of referenda, finances in relation to such votes and how they would be held.

During the assisted dying debate, Chief Minister Alfred Cannan had outlined that a change to the laws would be forthcoming, if approval had been given for a referendum, although some members expressed concern over how this would be done.

Eleven members voted in favour of Mr Cannan's proposals, but 12 were against.

Mr Thomas now intends to hold a public consultation over the summer, before bringing the bill to the House of Keys later this year.

Speaking live on Manx Radio Breakfast, Mr Thomas told Sian Cowper why he felt now is the time for change:


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