A number of calls were received from across the Island today after members of the public reported smelling gas or fuel, seemingly coming from the sea during Sunday.
In a statement on Sunday night, the Isle of Man Constabulary said:
"Following reports of a smell of oil within the Douglas area, IOM Harbours and Coastguard have checked within the port of Douglas and surrounding coastline and have determined that there was an isolated area of oil pollution at the back of Douglas breakwater, that appears to have originated from offshore.
Based upon the current south-easterly weather IOM Coastguard patrols are currently checking the coastline along the east coast and at this time there are no further reports of oil spills.
However the public are asked to report any areas of oil to the marine operations centre directly on 686612"
Marine Operations have confirmed to Manx Radio tonight that Coastguard vessels have stood down due to the failing light and will resume their search on Monday morning.