Members of the public are being urged to plan ahead for the one inevitable fact of life: their death.
You Only Die Once - or YODO - is the slogan for the fifth Dying Matters Awareness Week, currently underway in the Isle of Man.
The Macmillan cancer charity will be offering information and advice on cancer and bereavement at an event in Douglas today.
Tomorrow (16 May) local firm All In Order will host a free advice session showing people how to sort out their affairs, write a will and make their funeral wishes known to relatives.
The focus will be on doing something positive - to avoid leaving a burden of stress for our families.
Maria Bridson a qualified Manx advocate says she set up the firm to break down taboos around death and dying:
You can step aboard the Macmillan mobile bus between 10.30am and 4.30pm at Tower House shopping centre today.
Tomorrow's All In Order event at Douglas train station runs for an hour from 10.30am.
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