DfE to publish strategy to ensure 'prosperity' of retail and hospitality sectors
Shoppers in Ramsey say the loss of one of the town's most popular stores is a 'tragedy'.
Yesterday, Looneys of Ramsey announced it was closing its doors after more than 80-years in operation, leading to 10 job losses.
These shoppers in Ramsey gave their reaction:
Chair of Ramsey Town Commissioners Alby Oldham described the news as 'shocking':
The Department for Enterprise is expected to be publishing a new strategy in the coming weeks, which hopes to ensure 'prosperity' of the Island's retail, hospitality and leisure sectors.
As part of research for the Local Economy Strategy, it says 'extensive outreach' to businesses has formed part of its development.
On the closure of Looneys, government says it can't comment on individual cases, but any organisation facing operational difficulties is being signposted to Business Isle of Man.