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Probation for man who had outburst in bank

39-year-old's 'emotions got the better of him'

A Douglas man who became abusive towards members of staff in a bank after learning his account had been blocked has been ordered to work with the probation service.

Carl Joseph Bridson, of Derby Road, began shouting and swearing in the Isle of Man Bank on Regent Street on 29 April.

You can find out more HERE.

The 39-year-old had previously admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour.

During sentencing at Douglas Courthouse Bridson's probation officer told the court he’d been ‘very frustrated’ on the day adding: “He states this is still no excuse for his behaviour.

“His emotions got the better of him.”

Imposing a new 12-month probation order Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood told Bridson: “You have acknowledged your behaviour was unacceptable.”

Bridson was also ordered to pay £125 in prosecution costs.


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