On Air Mannin Line Andy Wint | Noon - 1:00pm

PAG encourages 'face to face' discussion on bill

A pressure group in the Isle of Man is looking to spread the word about the implications of the Children Bill, in response to what it calls 'mounting criticism' of the planned legislation.

The Positive Action Group will hold public meetings in Castletown tomorrow (Monday) and Ramsey on Thursday, to give concerned parents the chance to find out what the proposals mean.

A consultation period for the bill has been extended until the end of the month, which chairman Roger Tomlinson says has provided the perfect opportunity for PAG to take its presentation out on the road.

As with the group's first public meeting on the subject, the Isle of Man's data protection supervisor, Iain McDonald will be there, along with local civil liberties campaigner Tristram Llewellyn Jones.

Mr Tomlinson says reading up on the bill and submitting written views is all well and good, but it's no substitute for open, face to face discussion (play audio file):

The Positive Action Group's public meetings are entitled 'Should THEY tell YOU how to raise your children?' and are at the Civic Centre in Castletown tomorrow (April 19) and the town hall in Ramsey on Thursday (April 22).

They start at 7.30pm, there is no admission charge and everyone is welcome to go along.

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