Developer says 31-home site will provide much-needed homes in the north
A property developer says planning approval for 31 new homes in the north of the Island will bring a derelict site back into use.
Kelproperties was recently granted planning permission for the project at the former Dale Nurseries side on the Oatlands Road in Andreas.
The development will include the construction of 31 new dwellings, associated roads, plots and open spaces, with eight of those properties classed as affordable.
The permission includes a number of conditions, including a requirement for work to begin within four years, the inclusion of appropriate surface water drainage as the site is at risk of flooding, and the need to comply with climate change laws.
The development will be a mix of terrace, semi-detached and detached housing, mostly two- or three-bedroom properties over two or three storeys, as well as two four-bedroom bungalows.
The application states the scale of the development was chosen to sit within its surroundings and takes into account the form of buildings nearby.
A new entrance will be created off the Oatlands Road, and each dwelling will have its own off street parking.
Kelproperties says it's delighted to have finally obtained planning consent, having initially submitted the application in 2022, adding that it will provide much needed housing in the north of the Island.
Construction is expected to get underway in September.