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Nearly 20% of working population are government employees

Statistics published following a freedom of information request

Data revealed by the Cabinet Office shows 18.7 percent of the Isle of Man's working population are government employees.

A freedom of information request was submitted which asked for the total number of government workers and associated cost in salaries for the year ending 31 March 2023.

In response, government says 8,324 individuals were employed, which includes both full and part time workers.

The total amount paid in salaries to government staff was £372,820,536.07 (three hundred and seventy two million).


What constitutes a government employee?

The data includes those who are employed by the following departments, boards and bodies:

  • Cabinet Office
  • Office of the Clerk of Tynwald
  • Communications and Utilities Regulator Authority (CURA)
  • Coroners
  • Department for Enterprise
  • Department of Education, Sport and Culture
  • Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture
  • Department of Health and Social Care
  • Department of Home Affairs
  • Department of Infrastructure
  • Financial Intelligence Unit
  • Financial Supervision Authority
  • General Registry
  • Attorney General's Chambers
  • High Court of Tynwald
  • Manx Industrial Relations Service (MIRS)
  • Isle of Man Information Commissioner
  • Judiciary
  • Manx Care
  • Manx Heritage Foundation
  • Manx National Heritage
  • Public Sector Pensions Authority
  • Treasury
  • Veterans Welfare Service



When comparing the data to the same period from a year earlier (March 2022), the number of employees totalled 8,380.

But despite there being 54 more employees on the payroll, the cost associated was £28,773,598.86 (twenty eight million) less.

Figures relating to the 2021 census show 44,875 people on the Island are economically active.

The majority of that figure equates to those who are 'employed or self-employed', the remaining 1,309 are 'unemployed and looking for work'.

Since the census was carried out, it's estimated a further 3,705 people have migrated here:

  • In 2021: 899
  • In 2022: 2,378
  • In 2023 (to present): 428

Given there's no breakdown of this figure to determine how many are economically active, this data has been disregarded from our calculations.

Whilst we are able to draw on the International Labour Organisation's prediction, which forecasts the number of individuals unemployed and looking for work as 701, there could be a number of reasons for the difference between the census data and the latest available unemployment figures.

The monetary figure paid in salaries includes all gross payments and are not exclusive to basic salary.

Although Manx Radio is partially government funded and Treasury is its majority shareholder, the broadcaster's employees are not classified as civil servants, and do not form part of the bodies contained within this figure.

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