A grieving son, whose mother was killed by an offender who had been released early from prison, says the Home Affairs minister has promised him all key issues surrounding the case will be reviewed.
Sixty-two year old Gwen Valentine lost her life on a visit to the Island in April, when she was hit by a car while walking on Tholt-y-Will Road.
Its driver Donovan Kitching who had been released from prison three weeks earlier, admitted causing her death by dangerous driving.
Last month he was jailed for 10 years.
Stuart Valentine has since discussed his concerns about Kitching's early release, and the wider issue of rehabilitation in prison, with minister Juan Watterson.
He's been given a promise that issues not covered by the Coroner in a re-opened inquest, will be addressed in an inquiry.
Mr Valentine told Manx Radio he is pleased with the assurances he has been given:
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