133 new homes - including block for older people - proposed
A Douglas Central MHK has questioned who will manage new 'senior living' accommodation which could be built on a brownfield site in Douglas.
The Manx Development Corporation’s proposals for Westmoreland Village – and 133 new homes - received the nod last month.
The MDC has a £50 million commercial loan facility in place with Lloyds Bank which could be extended to £100 million; Treasury is acting as the guarantor.
You can find out more HERE.
But, in the House of Keys this week Chris Thomas asked whether this would be ‘crowding out’ other senior living or sheltered housing schemes.
Questions were also asked about whether Douglas Council had been involved or not.
In response Treasury Minister Alex Allinson said much of the plan was still unclear.
However he said further discussions, when the project is underway, would take place with the council and other interested parties: