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MHK calls for DoI to 'strike while the iron is hot' over residential speed limits

New 20mph zones introduced in Port St Mary

A Douglas Central MHK is calling on the Department of Infrastructure to ‘strike while the iron is hot’ and implement more 20 mile-per-hour speed limits in residential areas.

It’s after new restrictions were imposed in Port St Mary.

You can find out more HERE

Ann Corlett has long campaigned for the same to be rolled out in her constituency.

In April last year she told Manx Radio she was ‘totally frustrated’ at the lack of progress in implementing 20mph speed limits in residential areas

She has twice brought motions to Tynwald which were fully supported but not actioned; at the time Mrs Corlett said she was ‘despairing’ at how long the DoI could ignore the will of the court.

A public consultation of nearly 600 people showed most people to be in favour of the move in Douglas Central.

Mrs Corlett told Manx Radio the progress in Port St Mary is positive but she'd now like to see changes in Douglas and around the Island:

Manx Radio has invited the DoI to respond.

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