Report showing data from each school to be laid before Tynwald
The percentage of Manx primary school pupils achieving a good level of development is lower than those in England.
A report on the attainment levels of Isle of Man schools will be laid before Tynwald this month.
47.3% of Key Stage One pupils and 68.7% of those at Key Stage Two achieved a good level of development in the 2017-18 academic year according to the data in the report. In England, the average is 70.7% and 71.5% respectively.
Seven schools were above the Manx average at both stages, while eight were below average in both categories. Dhoon School was the only one to be above the English average at both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.
The report breaks down each school's attainment levels in the subjects of reading, writing, speaking & listening, maths and science.
Other areas which may affect individual school results include class sizes, the percentage of pupils who are claiming free school meals and the number of students who don't have English as a first language.
The information was requested by Garff MHK Daphne Caine. She's circulating it to other members as she believe schools' attainment data should be freely available to parents and students.
The report insists this isn't about ranking schools, but giving parents reassurance about the attainment of their schools, and to question if some areas need more support.