On Air Saturday Floor Fillers Chris Quirk | 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Laws tackling 'lack of parity' for same-sex couples enters Legislative Council

The 'parity bill' would hope to give those in homosexual relationships more legal responsibility over their children

Parental rights of same-sex couples could be reformed after the Reproductive Rights Bill 2024 took its first steps within the Legislative Council.

Today (25 June) MLCs requested an 'evidence stage' which would allow field experts, and those affected, to be called on to share their viewpoints.

At present same-sex partners are not automatically recognised as parents when a baby is born through fertility treatment such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Only the birth mother and genetic father can register as parents on the birth certificate.

This means that they are the only people who are legally recognised as having parental responsibility.

MLC Tanya August-Hanson was granted leave to introduce a Private Members' Bill in April 2023 which looks to update the Island's laws in relation to fertilisation, embryology and surrogacy.

She took the foundations of the Bill from the Department of Health and Social Care's legislative programme due to concerns that other pieces of work would take priority.

It's hoped the new legislation will provide 'parity' to those affected but Ms August-Hanson says she feels 'very sad' for same-sex couples who have had to 'struggle' due to 'poor legislative progression' on the Isle of Man.

Manx Radio's Christian Jones sat down with her after the sitting of the Legislative Council concluded:

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