Due to take place after House of Keys next week
The Island Plan will be brought back to Tynwald at an extraordinary sitting of the court next week.
The document – which sets out government's five year plan – is listed on the Register of Business.
Permission has been granted for the extra sitting after a request from the chief minister - it will take place after the House of Keys on Tuesday, 1 February.
Alfred Cannan will attempt to move the document and, this time, gain Tynwald approval for it.
During a sitting of the court earlier this month debate on the plan was halted by eight MHKs with Alfred Cannan pledging to bring it back at a later date.
This time Mr Cannan has put forward a revised motion which aims to move that Tynwald approves the plan.
The motion differs to the one he put before the court earlier this month – that asked members to approve the plan, note that as a living document it will be updated over the course of the administration, note the requirement for department plans and further note the housing and communities board proposed workstreams.