On Air Night Flight | 1:00am - 6:00am

How much do you know about your carbon footprint?

Opinions differ widely but government says more action is required

Do you know how to identify areas of your every day life, or business life, that could be changed to become more environmentally friendly?

Treasury pledged £42 million, as part of this year's Budget, to tackle climate change and help people take steps towards becoming greener.

But what does that mean?

Island accountant Nicola Bowker says without guidance, or government schemes, there is very little that she understands with regard to knowing what her carbon footprint is, let alone being able to reduce it.

Ahead of September's general election Middle MHK Stu Peters' election manifesto said:

"I’m no climatologist but climate change, whether you believe it’s a natural occurrence or man-made, needs action...  Like grants and support for reducing household and transport emissions"

But what Mr Peters said in response to this week's Budget, and the figure assigned for climate action, didn't seem to paint the same picture:

Speaking to Manx Radio after the Budget was approved, chair of the Climate Transformation Board Daphne Caine said more action is required: 

So even with government guidance, support and funding - how do business owners feel about taking a proactive approach to becoming greener?

Business owner, and entrepreneur, Pippa Lovell believes if businesses aren't making an active effort to be green there's no place for them on the Island:

Opinions about climate change differ widely.  These are the views of two listeners voiced by Manx Radio's John Moss:

You can find the Isle of Man Government's advice on going green HERE.

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